6. ZomBies Are Coming

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It's been a quiet morning until a woman turns on the radio. There is no music or news. Only buzzing noises.

She is going to turn it off again.

"Breaking news!
Zombies have taken over our country. Stay at home and keep your doors barricaded.

Scratch or bite would make you into one of them. Government is trying best to control situation."

Sammy complaints, "Tell us something we don't know, dummy."

The news repeats again and again. It seems it's a recording message.

The radio is turned off.

More and more eerie moanings are heard from nearby. It's still daytime. It seems zombies have adapted to sunlight.

Betty comments, "This is bad."

They usually search for foods during daylight. The zombies are lurking everywhere. It won't be easy to scavange foods.

Lalya asks, "Should we leave this place? Go to military base or something."

Sammy protests, "How did we know the soldiers survive? They could be zombies too."

"Nonsense! Of course they are still alive!"

Everyone is surprised when Qing replies coldly. Yan notices he looks upset.

Yan asks softly, "What's wrong?"

"That idiot Richard won't kick the bucket so easily. He won't die even if you kill him."

Yan nods his head. Wu Qing has unrequited love to someone for few years. It seems that guy, Richard is a military man.

A loud crash sound to the barricaded door. Zombies are trying to break in. Glasses are shattered when they ram to the windows.

Yan orders, "Not good! Gather up all stuffs and flee!"

The women rush upstairs. The men follow them soon afterwards. Trying to build more barricades for the zombies by blocking the stairs.

Yan takes a peek through the gap between the barricades.

Zombies are supposed unable to climb the stairs. They have lost their dignities in their hunger for flesh. Crawling zombies are heading upstairs.

Yan puts more barricades. These wooden chairs won't be able to hold them down too long.

Wu Qing points up.

He says, "To the roof. We could jump to another building."

Everyone rushes upstairs. The women dash and jump to other building without even thinking twice.

Yan looks down and gulps. Must be hundred zombies down there. Those women are daredevils.

Wu Qing asks, "What are you waiting for?"

Al dashes and jumps over the gap easily. He landed gracefully like a dancer.

Qing comments, "See! Even a fat guy could jump over. Come on, Yan!"

Wu Qing dashes forwards and he lands safely on the other side.

Yan takes a deep breath. The zombies are waiting him to fall down and become their main course.

He runs and jumps. Manages to land safely afterwards.

Their problem doesn't end there.

The other building has zombies too. The living corpses are heading up when the humans are still catching up their breaths.

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