29. Green Tea Flavor

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"Al..." calls Yan.

Al orders, "Leave this place."

"Al... Thanks..."

Yan drags his feet and leaves Al's shady apartment. He doesn't get too far before collapsing again. Panting, gasping for air. He is in no condition to move around.

Al sighs.

He says, "Just stay. I don't care."

"Okay. Thanks. I'll be better after today passed."

Al rolls his eyes. It's impossible for a heavily wounded guy to heal in one day.

He throws a blanket to Yan.

Al orders, "You sleep on the floor."


Yan lies down and falls asleep soon afterwards. He must be very tired.

Al checks on the wounds after Yan is in deep slumber. Blood is still seeping out, soaking red the makeshift bandage.

He knits his eyebrows. He must find medicines for him.

Yan lost too many blood. He would die at this rate.

Al snorts. He isn't his boyfriend anymore. He shouldn't care for Yan.

A stolen kiss to his lips. Al relieves when Yan only stirs in his sleep. He doesn't wake up and embarrasses him.

Al couldn't let Yan die. Just take it as a payback for lying to him back then.

There is a huge pharmacy store few blocks away. Zombies are roaming the place all the times. Drugs would still be available in that place.

Al decides to go at nightime. He couldn't delay it. Yan is in grave danger.

He got himself fully equipped before heading out.

Al blocks his door with many obstacle like broken furniture. It's the best he could do to prevent zombies ransacking his home.

He pays close attention to noises before leaving his shelter.

At night, zombies roam in large numbers. If ain't for Yan, he won't risk his neck like this.

Al blends into darkness easily. Nothing but a moving shadow in the dark.

Maybe because he is an assassin. His new acquired power is shadow. He could become a shadowy figure for few minutes.

Al mingles with the zombies. They don't sense his presence at this shadow form.

He manages to arrive safely in the pharmacy store.

Just in time.

His energy has depleted too much. He failed to keep his shadow form.

Al jumps and climbs up to the balcony. He escapes from the roaming zombies. They must be attracted to his smell.

Zombies are nocturnal creatures. They kept coming out from nearby buildings.

Al closes his eyes in his fear.

This is a nightmare. He doubts he could leave this place alive.

"Stupid Yan. If it ain't for you..." mumbles him.

He curses in his heart few more times.

The zombies might have sensed his presence here. Their grey dull eyes are staring up to the balcony.

Al does his best to hide himself. He sneaks in through a broken window. He moves like a mirage, sneaking around in the corridors. Looking for the storage room.

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