20. Unlocked New Skill

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A cheerful laughter is heard again among his teammates. Brad is always a sunny fellow. His laughter is infectious. Making the others laugh too.

Al squints his eyes. Brad is an eyesore. Yan pays too much attention to him. Heard they used to be roomies. Maybe they're f*ck buddies too.

In short, Al has no good opinion on this love rival.

They are cleaning up zombies in downtown. It's ranked as A level mission.

Many parties have been cleaning up these areas after Xiao Hei started it. Slowly but sure, the humans are reoccupying these areas again.

Yan blasts off a zombie head using his laser gun. It's unique weapon with unlimited bullets.

His teammates kept asking where he got it. He said his brother gave it to him. Everyone wished they got a good brother like him.

Gunshots and screams for help are heard from nearby. Yan and his team go straight to that spot.

Most of the team has been butchered by zombies. This is why a weak team isn't allowed to take part in cleaning downtown.

Yan blasts off the zombies around them using his laser gun. His teammates take care of the rest.

A dying man laughs weakly. His face is filled with grudges. He is one of Xiao Hei's sworn enemies.

He calls, "Yan, you lucky bastard."

Yan is silent. He is standing few meters away from him.

The man says, "I sent him to you. Assigned him to kill your brother. Tell me. Is his service that good in bed?"

Yan grits his teeth. He has his doubt after they met this guy in front of Guild Hall.

It's the truth. Al never loves him. When they first started dating, he rarely let Yan touched him. Even a simple holding hands took a long time to be done.

A knife ends the man's life before he could speak further. Al pulls out his knife.

Yan is staring him without saying a word.

Al says coldly, "Don't listen to his babblings. He's trying to break us apart."

"That's the truth, wasn't it? You got close to me for my brother."


Yan pushes his hand away when Al tries to hold him.

"Don't touch me. I wanna be alone."

Yan dashes away.

"Yan! Stupid!" curses Wu Qing.

It's very dangerous to go alone in a zombie infested area.

Jennifer warns, "No one leaves the team. Yan will be back. He just needs to sort out his mind."

Brad glances at Al. He never understands why Yan likes Al. As his ex-roomies, he was forced to hear how Yan spoke highly of Prof. Al.

Cold and aloof guy. Keep his head high as if he's better than anyone else. This kind of guy doesn't deserve Yan.

Zombies are attacking them. They fight together as a team. Jennifer, their vice leader leads them to safety.

Brad is familiar with this area. He takes them to a nearby safe house for temporary rest.

Inside a room...
Betty asks, "Will Yan be okay on his own?"

"Yan is tough. He will be fine," comments Sammy.

The others nod their heads.

Brad is squatting on a corner of the room, munching something hard.

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