Extra Story

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It feels like cheating. The way they have to sneak around just to meet each others.

Yan finally could meet with Tristan, his online friend.

They used to play many online games together.

Yan says, "I miss good old days. You're our best support."

"You're the craziest tank. Remembered you ran alone into enemy base?"

They are hanging out in a newly open Cafe in capital city. Not many folks could afford eating out like this. Yan and Tristan are one of few customers.

They aren't aware of four pairs of eyes staring from outside through a huge window.

An old song is played. The title is Guys don't like me. Yan chuckles.

Tristan asks, "What's funny?"

"It ain't my fault she looked at me. It ain't your fault, you can't compare..."

Yan sings along for a while. He is a good singer.

A little girl outside warns, "Daddy couldn't stop staring him."

"He is too handsome. Father said he's Incubus, trying to lure Daddy away."

A little boy looks shocked when he hears his sister's  comment.

He protests, "We can't let that happen!"

The oldest one is holding a toddler's hand.

She says, "Father is too busy. We have to keep an eye on Daddy. He isn't too smart. Don't let him get fooled."

The four kids go into the half empty Cafe. They choose a table behind Tristan. Their Daddy couldn't see them because of the decor behind his seat.

The song finally finishes playing.

Yan explains,"When I studied abroad, a teen girl fell for me. Her boyfriend taunted me. I persuaded him. We went for a drink. Guessed what happened few days later?"

"He got bent and confessed to you..."

"Exactly! Hey! How did you know?"

Tristan laughs.

Yan doesn't seem to understand his super charm. He is the type that could bewitched bees and butterflies everywhere he goes.

Yan comments, "I swear we only went drinking. Never lay a finger on him."

Tristan smiles.

The shous must be worried whenever Yan goes out.

Tristan suddenly remembers his hubby. His face darkened. The jerk threatened him not to see Yan.

They even have four kids together. Tristan won't leave him because of Yan.

"Excuse me. I need to go to bathroom."

Tristan has left his seat.

"Hey, uncle," calls a little girl.

She asks, "Could you help us find our parents? We are lost."

"Oh, okay."

As a Guild Master, his duty is to support the civilians. He pays for the meal and leads the children out of the Cafe.

Yan has asked a waiter to send a message to Tristan. He will be back shortly.

Outside the Cafe, the children stop playing nice to him.

The oldest girl waves her hands and flower storm blocks Yan's vision.

The toddler cries and vines emerge from the ground. Binding up Yan.

Yan breaks free from the vines after much struggling. Just in time to evade a gigantic Venus trap.

Suddenly he is trapped inside a huge shell. He kept punching it few times. Unable to break the tough shell.

"How come all of you are here?" asks Tristan.

He has run out after seeing his kids through a huge window.

Yan hears his voice and he screams, "Help! Help me!"

Tristan looks at the huge Walnut lying in front of him.

He orders, "Break this shell. Now!"

The boy nods his head and the shell cracks instantly. Yan manages to get out of the shell.

Tristan apologizes, "Sorry, Yan. My kids are very naughty. Must be him again."

There is no doubt his hubby is behind this mess. To think he sent the kids here to disturb their reunion.

The gigantic Venus trap is still trying to bite Yan.

Tristan calls, "Jade?"

The smart looking little girl looks downward. The Venus trap got withered immediately.

The toddler screams and vines bind Yan again. Hanged upside down.

Tristan lifts up the boy and scolds, "Release him, Jeffy. Now."

The boy squirms before the vines releases poor Yan.

Tristan apologizes, "Sorry. I think we should continue this reunion another time. I have to send my kids back."

"It's okay. I understand. We will keep in touch."


Yan fixes his clothes after they leave. His pants got torn. Thanks to the vicious Venus trap. Got some cracked shell on his hair.

Wu Qing is alarmed when Yan got home.

He asks, "What happened to you?"

"I just met future S class hunters. They are terrible kids. Thank goodness. Our babies are normal."

"Yeah. Our babies just fell asleep after drinking bottled milk."

Yan takes a peek to the baby room. The babies are sleeping peacefully.

Yan kisses their heads. Six months old. They look very cute. Fortunately they are just normal babies.

He turns off the light again when he is leaving the bedroom.

After Yan left, the babies open their eyes again. They have pretended to sleep to lower down guard.

The baby girl hiccups and her body transforms into a shadowy figure.

The baby boy is smiling, showing his few teeth. Flicker of flames appears on his fingertips once in a while. Just a tiny spark.

It seems Yan got relaxed too early. He might have to renovate the baby room into a fireproof one.

Al has just finished taking a bath. Yan hugs him and kisses his nape. They go to master bedroom. Wu Qing is already there.

When the babies go to sleep, time for adults to play.

-------------The End--------------------

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Me: Yan, a group of kids beat you up. Are you really S class hunter?

Yan: Never should hit a kid. That's my belief

Me: I agree. You aren't my smartest hero. Still love you

Yan: I still want to change author. This one loves to bully me

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