9. My Beloved Nephew

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"We will acknowledge your team if any of you could go up there."

The bully points to a high platform above ground. There is no ladder near it.

Their team is going to practice ground for the first time. Some men prevent them from using the practice ground.

People look down on them because they have many women in their team. You could always find a bully like him everywhere. In Apocalypse world, things got worst. Only the strong ones are respected here.

Yan has just arrived after failed complaining to the clerk.

He heard what the bully said to the women.

Yan asks, "Are you sure you could go up there? You are too fat to jump."

The bully tries to punch Yan but he catches his fist easily. Yan knees the bully's fat stomach and his foe ends up groaning on the floor.

Yan squats and he hits the bully's cheek not too gently.

He asks," If one of us could go up there, what's the reward?"

The bully is speechless. He has heard about Xiao Yan. They said he's Xiao Hei's little brother. No one wants to cross the mob leader by beating his baby brother.

"Well?" asks Yan.

"Ten Food vouchers."

"Good. It's a bet."

Yan takes off his shirt and he stretches for a while.

The bully and his friends are staring him as if he's a mad man. They hope Xiao Hei won't blame them if his little brother dropped dead after falling from such height.

Yan dashes and jumps to several lower platforms before landing on the highest one.

The women and Wu Qing applause for him.

Al only squints his eyes. The peacock sure loves to brandish his feathers.

Wu Qing mocks, "We won. Where is our vouchers?"

The bully snorts while throwing some food vouchers to the ground.

Wu Qing picks them up.

After the bully and his friends left, Yan asks, "Qing, get me a ladder, will you? It's too high up here."

Yan's feet are shaking a bit. He looks cool when he makes those continuous somersault. Now he looks dumb.

The women laugh while trying to find him a ladder. They could find none.

Al points to a nearby cable from the platform.

Yan seems to understand his hint.

He smiles when he says, "Thanks, Allen."

Al squints his eyes but says nothing. Allen isn't his real name. It's just one of his alias.

Yan uses his belt to hold the cable. He slides down using it like a 007 agent. The cable breaks on his way down. He does few somersault before landing safely on the ground.

The women applause for him. Yan bows to them like a performer. Al looks upset when he throws Yan's shirt back to him again.

Yan wears back his shirt. They are rookies. No wonder people would bully newbies like them.

He says, "Let's practice first. Betty, Sammy and you, err, what's your name again?"

"Airin," replies a teller.

"Yeah, Airin. You three learn sword fight with Wu Qing."

These women have slender built. They look agile enough.

Insane Ways To Survive in Apocalypse World (BL) (complete) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora