33. Trap

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Airin is having a hearty breakfast in Canteen. She is short and slim. No one could figure it out. Where did the food go?

The other teammates are still queueing for foods.

Because they live in the next building, Xiao Hei said Yam team could eat together with his men.

Yan agreed completely. No one in his team is a good cook. Only barely edible.

His brother has lost a lot of manpower during his campaign to conquer South Capital.

He only has 70 percent from his previous men.

Yan is sitting next to Xiao Hei when eating his breakfast.

His brother is sulking. His son kept glancing to a certain direction. It will be great if Noah likes a woman.


He is staring to another young man.

Yan asks, "Noah, do you like Brad?"

"Yeah. He is my treasure."

"Wow. That's a new way to describe your dream lover."

Xiao Hei is still sulking.

Yan asks, "Brother?"

"I want a grandson. Why you like a man?"

Noah glances to Yan. His uncle also likes a man. Yan scratches his chin. He fears Xiao Hei would blame him for bad influences.

Yan says, "Brad is a good kid. I could vouch for his good character."

"I don't care. I won't accept him except if I got a grandson."

"No big deal. He will give you grandkids."

Xiao Hei spurts out his soup. He's coughing for a while. He doesn't finish his meal. He leaves the spot in his rage.

Yan coughs before saying, "Noah, Brad doesn't have any womb. He is just like you and I. True man to the bones."

Maybe Noah is smart and also stupid. That's basic science. Brad might be shou. It doesn't mean he is a woman.

Noah grins evilly.

He boasts, "You forget my job, Uncle? Playing with genes are my specialty."

Noah swallows up his meal and then leaves the spot too.

Yan couldn't help it. He stares at Brad. Wondering if he had a hidden womb somehow. Otherwise Noah won't be so confident about giving grandkids to Xiao Hei.

Noah fiddles with DNA in his lab. Dad wanna grandkids.

Piece of cake.

Mix Brad's and his DNA. Add a frozen egg taken from a healthy woman. Selected the best candidates embryos.


Grandkids. Pop will be thrilled.

The egg was taken from an unfortunate young woman who died in his lab last week.

Noah has plenty prisoners. He has been busy researching anti virus. Of course he needs humans as lab rats. It's easier to use them than mutant animals.

After mutated, rats, pigs or Guinea pigs no longer have any similarities to humans cells. It's useless to use them in researches.

Brad takes a peek through slight open door.

Called it Stockholm syndrome.
Called it too much satisfaction in sex.

Lately he begins to seek Noah in his lab. Unlike their first forced sex session. Brad kinda hoping to get laid.

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