By the time I shifted, I noticed that all our betas had entered the room. Jake handed me shorts. Other wolves came in fixing the furniture and put it in place.

"What the hell is going on?!" Chase yelled. I am still fuming. I have blood running down my chest from my shoulder. It is deep so it will take a while to heal. "Jaxson is mad that I'm involved with his mate. It's not my fault that you didn't accept her so now she is mine to do as I please." Micah said. I went after him again. I punched him in the nose, breaking it. He punched me in the mouth, busting my lip. Everyone got between us again. "Stay the fuck away from her, you want to disrespect her like that, talk about her like she some whore. I will kill you!" I yelled. I have so many men holding on to me and I am flinging them around like they are nothing. He is just standing there with a fucking smirk on his face.

Alpha William escorted Micah out of the room. Chase and Jake tried to calm me down. Jake was shocked. He is my best friend and he is just finding out that I found my mate. He adores Alessia and I am sure he is going to be pissed at me. He could not stand Becca.

I sit in the chair shaking; I cannot calm down. I have known Micah has been spending time with Alessia. No matter how much I hate it. I could not say anything. But today proves that she is just a pawn to get at me. But how did he find out she was my mate? There are only three people that know. Alessia does not know so she could not have told him. I doubt she would sit there and describe the sex we had with him. This does not make sense.

I may hate the son of a bitch and vice versa but we have not actually done anything to each other to cause him to want to come after me, possibly start a war over.

My body is shaking. My fists are balled tight. I want to finish what I started but I must calm down.

"Man, what the hell is going on? How the fuck is Alessia your mate?" Jake asked. Chase was sitting there next to him, waiting for me to answer.

"She showed up. I was with Becca. I did not know what to do but we ended up sleeping together. Right after, Becca ended up pregnant. I'm trying to do right by my child." I said leaving a few things out. "Why didn't you tell me?" He said. The look on his face, he felt betrayed and saddened. "I'm sorry. I do not know what to do. Alessia is getting close to Micah and there is not a damn thing I can do. I have tried. She won't talk to me since she found out Becca is pregnant." I said putting my head down. I covered my face with my hands. I feel the tears swelling in my eyes. "Does she know you're her mate?" Chase asked "No."

Jake walked out. It was obvious he was upset with me. I got up and went outside. I got in my car. Jake was already in the passenger seat.

The drive home was silent. Jake just stared out the window. His fists tight in his lap. We pulled up and Jake jumped out of the car. I got out and went into the house.

Everyone was sitting in the living room. They turned to look at me and everyone just stopped. They were in shock. Emily and Jessica came running to me because of my injuries and the blood all over my chest. I did not hear anything they were saying because I was too focused on Alessia. She stared at me from across the room. Tears filled her eyes and her hand was over her mouth. I cleared my throat. "Alessia can I speak to you in my office?" I said. I didn't even wait to see if she moved before going. I can hear my sisters calling my name. I just ignored them.

In my office, I went to the bathroom and cleaned the blood off me. I grabbed the first aid kit and wrapped my shoulder. As I came out, the door opened and Alessia walked in.

I told her everything that happened. Everything that Micah said. Well everything except the mate part. She sat there and said nothing. "I have strong feelings for you. Feelings that will not go away. I think about you all the time. I want you but Becca is pregnant. I can't just abandon my child." Tears filled her eyes. She turned away from me. I got on my knees and pushed myself between her legs. I grabbed her face with both my hands and made her look at me. "I love you. I just wish things turned out different." I whispered to her. I leaned in and kissed her lips. She kissed me back. It was a soft kiss. She put her arms around my neck and gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her, waited and just held her, tears running down my face.

Pulling away, I looked at her. "Baby, you need to stop seeing Micah, he's no good for you." I said.

She pushed me back, got up out the chair. Sue turned with her arms crossed over her chest. "How dare you! Oh, you can be with Becca, but I cannot be with anyone. Micah treats me well. We have fun together. He does show me respect, maybe he said those things to get under your skin. Besides, it is none of your business who I am involved with, you don't want me!" She was angry. She stormed out and slammed the door. 

What do you think? Is Micah good or bad?

How did Micah find out that they are mates?

How do you feel about Jaxson?

Should Alessia fight to be with Jaxson or be with Micah?

I would love to hear what you think is gonna happen..

Thank you everyone for reading.

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