Something Witchy This Way Comes

Start from the beginning

She let him hold her for a few more seconds before she reluctantly shifted and forced herself away from him. Taking a deep breath, she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the both of them. "What the hell do you guys think you're doing?"

* * *

Dean's (P.O.V)

This was a mistake. He knew it! She was still mad. Fucking golden boy Shore... He should never have let William Shore get into his head. He should have stuck to his original plan and stayed home so he could become good friends with a bottle named Jack. They would have had so much in common too...He loved whiskey, Jack was whiskey. He loved to get drunk, and guess what? Jack got people drunk! It would have been a beautiful friendship. Instead here he was in the presence of one pissed off succubus whose crossed arms were doing wicked things to her cleavage. At their silence she scoffed and threw her hands up in the air, causing her already sinfully short dress to ride up even further. "Please, don't answer all at once" she hissed. Oblivious to the havok she was reaking to a group of males a few feet away. Their leacherous glances were like a match to his already burning flame and Dean growled, reaching forward to pull her between him and William, effectively blocking her off from the other guys. The look he gave them promised blood and broken bones, causing them to pale and stumble off down the road.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he spat, any chance of this being a civil conversation going out the door. "Walking around wearing..." his gaze grew intense as he looked her over and he ran a hand down his face. "Fuck...what even the hell is it?!" He couldn't figure out if it was a very long top or a very short dress. Either way, It was killing him. He didn't know if he wanted her in or out of it. But one thing was for sure, it didn't belong in public where any random randy fucker would get an eyeful. She lifted her chin and rested a hand on her hip, her body ozzing indignation. "That's none of your damn business Dean" she retorted, and his eyes narrowed at the way her words slightly slurred at the end. No fucking way. Crowding her space, forcing her to back up into William, he leaned down and sniffed at her mouth. "Shit, are you...drunk kitkat?" Her pretty face flamed and she shrugged, refusing to answer.

William leaned down and cupped her chin so she was forced to look up at the blond. Whatever William saw in her eyes caused him to curse softly before meeting Dean's gaze. "We need to get her home." Dean nodded and moved forward, intent on scooping her up, but she batted William's hand away and slipped from between them. "Stop! just stop!" she shouted. "Stop babying me damn it! I'm not a little girl anymore! I'm a woman..." she informed them with a scowl. Then it changed into a smile and she gripped the hem of her dress. "I can show you-" "No!" Him and William shouted in unison just as the edge of her lacy underwear began to show. She pouted but shrugged and dropped the bunched material in her palms. "Anyway, I'm having fun. Fun that I need so I can forget about you assholes." she huffed and placed her hands on her hips even as she stumbled slightly. "So if you'll excuse me..." she turned, intending to leave. William and Dean exchanged a look before they burst into action. William moved fast, cutting off her path and before she could react Dean bent and swiped her up, throwing her over his shoulder. She gasped and squrimed, her knee slamming into his chest even as her hands slapped against his back in outrage. "Dean Rave! Put me down right now! Or I swear to the heavens I will castorate you-" He delievered two hard smacks to her ass and she yelped, her fingers curling in his shirt.

"You are in no position to be threatening me kitkat, I clearly have the upper hand right now" he teased, emphasizing certain words to poke fun at his previous actions. "William please..." Lana begged throwing a pleading look at the blond. He frowned. "I'm sorry Lana, but I must side with Dean on this one." She groaned and resigned herself to being carried like a sack of potatoes. "I hope you know I hate you both."

* * *

Nika watched from the club entrance, hidden in the shadows, as the two males spoke with Lana. The discussion was heated and it was clear Lana wouldn't be coming back any time soon. No worries. She'd gotten what she'd came here for and so it was time she take her leave anyways. "Bye Succubus, it was fun." Slipping unnoticed onto the cobblestone streets she hailed a cab and hopped in, giving it directions to a hotel a few miles away. Half an hour later it pulled up at the front entrance and she paid the driver before stepping out and making her way to the parking lot around back. It was dimly lit, forcing her to squint in order to seek out her target. It was getting cold and she was not dressed to handle the dropping temperature. Rubbing her arms she glanced around her, starting to grow irritated. He should be here by- A hand shot out and slammed over her mouth, cutting off any chance she had to scream. Her eyes widened and she squirmed, even as her hands began to thrum with power. She was pulled against a hard body and she threw her elbow back, hoping to land a blow, but it was deflected. She lifted her hands to attack with her magic but she was quickly turned and slammed roughly against the concrete wall, her hand pinned to her side. The air in her lungs whooshed out of her and in this new position the strangers face was visible. Nolan was staring down at her, his eyes hard and a finger lifted to his lips in demand for her silence. Her body relaxed in his hold and she nodded to let him know she understood.

He crowded her space, until she was completely hidden by his towering frame and gingerly peeked around the corner of their little hidden spot. He pulled back and cursed under his breath. Four men, dressed in the uniform of the Queen's army were a mere few feet away. Clearly searching for something, or more accurately, someone. He had a feeling he knew exactly who that was. "So very subtle Vera" he murmured under his breath. Nika's expression grew concerned and she fought the urge to peek for herself. "Nolan, what's going on?" He sighed and dropped his gaze to her. "Stay here." She opened her mouth to argue but he was already gone. A few seconds passed before the sounds of grunts and yells sounded. She shivered, which had nothing to do with the cold, and clutched her arms, hugging herself. She didn't know how many minutes passed, maybe fifteen minutes, maybe longer, but finally she heard footsteps thudding towards her. She swallowed and drew in a shaky breath, summoning her magic to the surface once again. Forunately she didn't need to because it was Nolan who stepped into view. She took one look at him and inhaled sharply. His dark blue eyes were a bright gold, and large bat-like wings fanned out from his back. His expression was furious as he flicked his wrist and sent droplets of blood flying to the ground. "Go back to the human realm. I'll join you shortly but I have a bone to pick with a certain Queen" he sneered. He turned, giving her his back, and in moments he was gone.

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