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I called Jisoo immediately she picked up.

'What's up Lisa' she said enthusiastically.

'Do you know where Jennie is?' I ask her.

'Your missing her already?' She said teasing, what the hell is wrong with her?

'Just answer my question' I said getting impatient.

'Jeez chill, well I don't know she just left the country' she said and I can picture her shrugging her shoulders.

'Well your useless' I was about to hang up on her.

'Wait but I know how to get her back' she said.

'What is it?' I said excitedly

'Simple, you ask her to come back and make time for her or you introduce her to Yeji so she will not get jealous and it is also away to stop Yeji flirting with you because a sad Jennie is much more worst than an angry Jennie' she said

'Thank you for the suggestion Jisoo and say hi to Rosé for me' I said to her she hummed and I hang up.

Now, I just need to make Jennie pick up my call hmm, what to do?

I texted her something she will make her go back, I laugh in evilness. You'll pay Jennie for leaving and making your wife sad.


I'm here at the mall cafeteria waiting for my aunt to finish shopping, I went ahead because I told her I was hungry.

I'm sitting here for awhile, then I felt my pocket dinged I took out my phone and read a message coming from an unknown number.

Unknown: Is this Jennie Kim?

Me: Yes, what is it that you want?

Unknown: Mrs. Lisa fainted and is having a hard time she is in her room still not waking up.

Me: what! I'll be there


I search for my aunt and said that I need to go home asap she stared at me worriedly but let me go.

I called my men, 'Where is Lisa?'

'She is in her room boss, all day she didnt go to school when I ask the maid why she said that she fainted'

After conforming what happened, I hurriedly went to the airport.

I called the airlines, 'Ready my airplane I'll be going back to Korea'

'Yes, Mrs. Kim'

I hang up, after I arrive at the airport I make myself comfortable in the airplane my body shaking thinking about my wife.

I should have not left her, look what happened. After a few hours I arrive at Korea, I told the driver to drive me towards my house.

When I arrive the maids are acting strange, I shrug it off and I run towards our room.

I opened the door but I was greeted by an angry Lisa staring straight towards my core, I gulp.

"Hey, Jennie" she said emotionless, I started to get nervous.

"Umm... Hey lili, are you okay now? The maids said you have faint-" I was cut off when she hugged me and cried.

"You meanie, why don't you just tell me you have a problem with me" she said crying.

" Why do you have to ignore me back? I know I don't have time for you these days but please don't ignore me"

"I'm very sorry it will not happen again" I said sighing

"No! I know your still hurt" she said looking up to me.


"I'm sorry Jennie because I talked about someone else in your presence, you hated it but still listened to me willingly"

"Forgive me please" Lisa said still crying.

I wiped her tears and kissed her on the lips as long as I can, "I'm not mad at you lili I'm just sad, you will always be my daisy okay?"

I caress her face, "Do you want me to introduce you to my friends? Don't worry they will not tell others I trust them enough, Would you like that Nini?"

My face bloomed with life, hearing her call me Nini again it is making me cry in happiness, I nod at her.

I hug her tight and buried my face into her hair, "I'm sorry to lili, I leave you here alone to sleep it will not happen again I promise"

She nodded, after awhile I felt her breathings became calm I look at her and saw her sleeping in my arms.

Lifting her up I gently lay her down on the bed, I stared at her beautiful face. I will not leave you alone again lili, I'm sorry.

I kissed her forehead then laid down beside her, I felt my phone dinged.

Jisoo: Hey! You owe me chicken

Me: Yeah, I know no need to remind me

Jisoo: Tsk, I was the one who told her to introduce you to her friends give me some bonus☹️☹️

Me: Fine what do you want?

Jisoo: Keke, you will pay for Rosé food expenses for a month😎😎

Me: Fine, I'll give you my VISA card just swipe it if you will pay for her food

Jisoo: thank you very much!😘🤩🤩

Me: Only Rosé's food nothing else, if you buy something else I'll charge it

Jisoo: Tsk, yeah-yeah...

Me: Well bye

Jisoo: Bye whipped ass


I stared at my phone shaking my head, then Lisa extended her arms she hug my sides. I stare at the cute creature beside me.

I sigh in content and hug her back, she snuggled closer putting her head on top of my chest.

"Nini, I love you so much thank you for accepting my fathers crazy deal, I got to meet you" she said murmuring.

"and thank you for being born lili, I love you to" I said hugging her close as I can.

"I'm tired nini" she said yawning

"Then sleep my daisy I will watch over you, have a sweet dream" her breathing becomes steady indicating she fall asleep again.

I will never regret, marrying you in my entire life. I kissed her neck and gently pat her back, again and again until I my eyes closed on their own.

Slipping away into darkness but the warmth she gave me is keeping me from shivering from the cold of the dark night.


Thats it, I can't post for three days again sorry because I'm finding a new job because my work place closed due to Covid my boss said the place is not making enough money to pay its workers so it closed.

but I'll be updating 4 chapters if I can after that three days😊😊

Thank you for understanding.

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