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I woke up with my baby hugging me like her life depends on it, then I remembered she has work. Its kinda cute that she wants to provide for us when she doesn't need to, like I mean I'm rich. I have billions of money for God sake but I want her to do this, its so cute.

I woke her up from her slumber, she grumbles saying she wants to sleep more, "You don't want to go to work? How can you provide for us?" I ask her stopping myself from laughing.

"I'm up! I'm up!" She hastily made her way to the bathroom. After she finish her business, we ate and I drove her to her work. Which was a convenience store, I shook my head. So many stores to work at why convenience store?

"Ok lili goodbye, do your job well today okay." I smiled and kissed her head, "Sure nini for you and for making babies" she said making me melt from her cuteness, "Go inside now" I watched her talk to the manager, I got on my car......


This is not cute at all, so many guys are flirting with my lili, I'm here spyi- I mean observing her from afar and the amount of guys trying to flirt with her makes me so angry. She showed them her precious smiles, its only for me.

I watch a guy approach her getting so shy, I might puke from watching this. The guy ordered so many groceries, Is this how you make lili pay attention to you? I'm gonna try this.

I was about to get in the store to buy something so she can notice me to but she suddenly looked at my direction and I scram trying to find a hiding place. My chest started to beat loudly, nervousness strikes me.

I called backup, 'Hello, agent TRK. This is me agent RJ I need your backup'.

'Coming agent RJ wait for me', I waited patiently but in a matter of seconds my back up is here, " Agent Turtle Rabbit Kim reporting for duty what's the operation?"... "You got here so fast how did you do that? I ask

"Well, I was near this area so I run." She explained to me, I nodded...

"Sooo what are we doing?" She ask, " Its good that you ask, my lili started work today, I was observing from afar-"

"You mean you stalk her?" Jisoo cut me off, I glared at her. " Its the same thing", "No, its not"

"Yes, it is"

"No, its not"




"Your gonna buy me chicken if you said yes"


"Ahuh, your gonna buy me chicken" she said smugly at me, " No fair you were cheating" I pouted, wait I'm suppose to be a cool person, why I'm a acting cute?
"Wait what are we doing again?" She ask, "Yes! operation save lili from guys" I shouted.

I was too loud that many passerby's stared at us like we were crazy, we bowed our head clearly embarrassed by our own actions,"let's go" I whispered to Jisoo and she gave me a thumbs up.

We circle around the store, we watch a guy leaving after buying something from the store. I signaled jisoo to do her thing, she grabbed the guy and dragged him towards the dumpster at the back of the building.

"What did you buy? Do you have a crush on Jendeuk's girl?" Jisoo ask, the guy stared at her bewildered by her actions. " Wait who's Jendeuk? But most importantly, who are you guys?" He ask kinda scared.

"We are your worst nightmare, just kidding but why are you buying at this store" jisoo ask again, "Umm because its a store?" The guy fired back, "so your talking back now ha, do you want to get beaten" jisoo said while flexing her muscles, which made me almost laugh because she doesn't have muscles.

"But you just ask me a question?" The guy said, "shh be quiet, I'm talking" jisoo put her fingers on the guys lip shushing him up. " So basically you just came here to buy food and not because the girl behind the counter is cute?" I glared at jisoo only I can call lili cute, but I was anticipating the guys answer, I look at him waiting for his answer.

"Well she is kinda cu-"...

"Ahuh so you bought something here because you thought Jendeuk's girl is cute?, I'm gonna beat you up now" jisoo said while cracking her muscles but I was triggered by something, "WAIT!!" I shouted

"So only 'kinda' what do you mean kinda she is the goddess of beauty and cuteness she's perfect, and you are an irrelevant person but you dare to say kinda!" I shouted at him, "chill dude, I wasn't trying to steal your girl" he explained

"Oh so you think were together?" I ask, "You are threatening me because of her, you are holding me hostage...of course I would think your the girlfriend" he said looking at me with disbelief.

I blushed "Well, were not together yet but we kissed and uh-... Oh yes she said she wants to have babies with me" I said proudly

"Dude TMI, are you crazy why would you tell a stranger that" he stared at me like I did something wrong, but I glared at him " I dont care don't ask then "

"but I didnt as- "

"Shush" I put my fingers on his mouth like jisoo did, " so were gonna dispose him now or we can let him go?" Ask jisoo, "let him go he's innocent" I told her like I'm the one with the authority. The guy run so fast that when I blink he was not there, wow good running ability he can be on Olympic.

I cleared my throat and fixed my clothes, I look at the time. Then I remembered something " wait, I was suppose to take Lisa to the zoo later...Jisoo what should I wear help me" I shake jisoo up like she would drop a coconut like the coconut tree when you shake it, " I don't know where something nice" I face palmed my face.

"Really jisoo, you are so smart" I told her with a sarcastic tone..." OF COURSE IT WILL BE NICE BECAUSE IT IS A DATE... Wait is this a date?" I pondered

"Wow your so smart" jisoo said to me with a sarcastic tone, copying me. " YOU HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD TO ASK HER IF SHE WILL GO ON THE DATE WITH YOU OR NOT BUT NOOO YOU WASTED YOUR TIME SPYING ON HER" she shouted kinda annoyed by me.

"Welp I'm just gonna wear this" jisoo shook her head, " hays, I don't care now. I have a date with your secretary bye" Jisoo said quickly leaving me.

When I opened the door, I saw lili widen her smile when she saw me. Her little action made me blush. She run towards me, waiting for her hug I opened my arms which she gladly accept and snuggled closer to me.

"Why were you and jisoo at the back near the dumpster?" She ask

"Because- eh wait, eh?"


I was having a nice day so here extra chapters for the day. Correct my grammar if you see something wrong

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