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Hmp Jennie was mean but I got over it, we are in Jennie's private jet going home.

Rosé sat on the chair next to me, Jennie and Jisoo is with the tops drinking in the other section of the jet cause Rosé said that we need girls time.

"Soooo...how was it? Is Jennie good? Girl we can hear you in the other room all day, how can you keep up with her?"

After Rosé said that my face got heated up, "Yeah, was it good?" Nayeon said coming over to us.

"I-i" I can't speak properly because of embarrassment, I look down at my hands fidgeting them.

"Hey! Girls leave Mrs. Jennie Kim's wife alone" Jihyo said pushing them away from me, then she mouthed 'get some sleep'

I nod as a sign of thank you, and I laid my head on the window of the plane watching the clouds.

Then I went to dream land


When I woke up, I was already in bed at our house. I smelled food, I hurriedly came downstairs.

"Hey, cutie pie here's your lunch I was about to wake you up" she said pulling a chair for me to sit like always.

I kissed her in the lips as I sign of thank you, sat down on the chair and proceed to eat.

"Oh by the way your brother is coming over to discuss school because you'll start tomorrow" she suddenly said.

I stop eating distress because of the news, I whined saying no but Jennie was just looking at me smiling.

"I can't do anything baby its your beloved brother, even if I hate him he's right you need to go to school"

I sigh and nod at her, after some time we heard the doorbell rang.

I ran towards the door opening it wide then jumping into my brothers arm missing him.

"You missed me that much?" He ask patting my head, I nod in delight.

"Now let's get back to business" he said getting inside the house. I followed behind him unwillingly.

"Human Mandu you here?!" BamBam shouted.

"Yeah, I can hear you clearly...you half cook noodles" Jennie retorted back.

"Tsk, your getting bolder now a days Jennie" BamBam said putting a big suitcase on the dining table.

"What's that?" I ask him curious

"That is your school supplies and your uniform, I provided you glasses because you'll get uncomfortable wearing contacts all day." He said opening up the suitcase

"Here is the files for your wife, she will finish Culinary. Not that she's good at it its because she needs to learn how to cook" he said handing the files to Jennie

"Why..." I whined

"When Jennies not here who will cook for you don't even say you will order, its not healthy." He said lecturing me, I nod.

"Here, is your schedule for tomorrow." He said handing me paper.

Looking at it and remembering my schedule for tomorrow, I hate school but I'm excited to meet new people.

"Is this complete noodle?" Jennie ask BamBam looking through the files.

BamBam glared but answer her question, " Yes, the files is complete...and oh! Before I forget here is your locker number and password"

"My friend, I dearly trust will take you to school and after school he will take you also" BamBam said.

"I will take her to sch-" Jennie said but BamBam cut her off.

"No your not, you have work your company needs you" He said

"Sure you trust your friend but how can I trust him?" Jennie said unwilling.

"Fine he's my boyfriend, happy?" BamBam said to her

"Yeah, but if she got home with a single scratch on her body, I will castrate your boyfriend" Jennie threatened

"Yeah-yeah don't worry and calm your tits Mandu" I glared at him because he said tits I don't like bad words.

BamBam look at me apologetically, I sigh and told him to proceed the explaining.

"Sooo, you will meet strangers you don't know but Jennie will send men to monitor if your okay" he said to me but I declined

"Why?" Jennie ask

"I want my freedom, its uneasy to have someone follow me all day" I explain

"How about this we will send someone for an hour only to check on you but will leave after that" Jennie said, I nod liking her idea more

"Okay then that is final, by the way that school is full of brat rich kids" BamBam said

"How about we teach them some lessons, you will pretend to be like a normal citizen not rich nor poor" BamBam said excited because of he said

Jennie nod, "yeah, I like that to but its like helping Jisoo know who's bullying students to kick them out...so its a win-win situation"

"Yeah sure" I nod liking the idea I want to see their expressions, I will be like Jisoo'd undercover person.

"I want to see their expressions do bad after they find out" BamBam said giggling.

"Jennie if they hurt her, don't rage okay...you will not only hurt the bully but their entire family its not fun" BamBam said

"Fine, but simple soft slaps will suffice but if it will go overboard. My men will raid the place"

"Jennie don't worry I can take care of myself, please focus on your work you have not been their for a month and a half because of the wedding and honeymoon" I said caressing her shoulders.

"Fine but if they hurt you or your situation will go worse I'll be there okay, and don't even find or talk to a guy" Jennie said jealousy showing on her face

I giggled and nod at her, we were talking for awhile not realizing that it was night time.

BamBam said goodbye because he and his boyfriend will have a date we bid him goodbye.

I run towards the bathroom leaving Jennie who was suggesting to shower together.

She was shouting for me to come back but I giggled and proceed to wash.

When I got out Jennie is already sleeping she had use the other bathroom, I smiled at her while kissing her head goodnight.

Excited for tomorrow my eyelids closed on their own and soon after a drift to dream land.


Tomorrow I will only update one chapter because I will be working overtime.

My co-workers wife is pregnant so they need to go to a doctor, I'll be working night shift.

Again thank you for all those supporting this story😊😊😊

Sorry for the short chapters my mind got writers block 😂😂

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