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I felt that someone slap my butt, I opened my eyes and I see Jennie looking at me mischievously.

She smiled and proceed to pat my butt, "Wake up my daisy, its your first day of school"

After she said that I lazily go to the bathroom and do my thing, I wore the uniform and put on my glasses.

Following the smell of food, the smell took me to the dining area where Jennie is placing my breakfast at the table.

I hurriedly, sat down and ate the food as fast as I can.

"This feels like your my mom and your sending me to school" I said stuffing my face.

Jennie shook her head, "yes, that is true except I'm your wife and finish your food before talking"

"Now that I think about it, your just like a sugar mommy" I said laughing, she glared at me but smiled afterwards.

"I still can't get used to the fact that your not innocent" she said handing me my bag and walking me towards the front door because I've finished eating.

A small car park infront of Jennies house, Jennie knock on the window and guy opened it.

"Are you BamBams boyfriend?" Jennie ask the guy, he nodded.

"If my wife come home with scratches I'll bury you alive" she threatened him the guy nodded nervously.

Nini kissed me in the lips and she said goodbye, I entered the car and greet my brothers boyfriend.

"By the way brother-in-law what's your name?" I ask him, he blushed because I called him brother-in-law.

"I'm Jackson" he said smiling and starting the car, speeding off to school.

When we arrive at Jisoo's school, I bid Jackson goodbye and I go inside the school.

When I arrive the students ignored me not bothered with my presence, I proceed to the principals office.

I knock on the door but when I opened the door but I was surprise, "Irene unnie?"

"Oh! Hey Lisa, come and sit. Jennie already told me about your plan but I will not forgive them if they bully you, tsk" she said glaring at the air.

"I know unnie, don't stress wrinkles will form on your face and Seulgi will not like it" I said teasing her, she pushed me slightly but I felt my insides move.

"Stop teasing me, proceed to your class. Here is the school map" she said handing me the map.

I proceed to my class but I was surprised again, "Eh? Jihyo" the duck is happening?

I smiled at her and enter the class, the students stop what their doing and stared at me.

I avoided their stares, "Come here Ms.?" Jihyo ask. I stared at her but she gave me a look, I obeyed.

"Ms. Kim"

"Ms. Kim, please introduce yourself to the class." Jihyo said pointing to my classmates.

"Hi! I'm Lalisa Manoban-Kim, please take good care of me...and oh! Please call me Lisa" I said bowing.

"Okay Lisa please, go to your sit" Jihyo said the students gave me weird stares.

"Why is your last name double? Kim and Manoban?" I stared in shock but quickly answered my sit mate.

"Oh! Its because my parents can't decide on what last name they will give me, so they just gave me both." I said to her, then she nodded.

"I'm Kang Yeji" she said giving me her hands to shake, I stared in shock.

She have the same last name as Seulgi and she looks just like her, I guess she's Suelgi's sister.

"Yeah! I'm Kang Seulgi's sister" she said proudly giving me a look.

Did she just read my mind? I proceed to shake her hand, "Lisa" I said smiling

"Your ring is so beautiful, where did you buy it?" She said asking about my marriage ring, duck...I forgot to take it off.

"I-i just bought it at the market" I said smiling, but she stared at my ring in spectical, she shrug it off because Jihyo started the lesson.


After the class, I waited for all of them to get out to have lunch. I approached Jihyo.

She bowed at me, "I'm sorry for my attitude Mrs. Kim but I did it to protect you"

I wave her off, "Its okay I don't really care, but why are you here?"

"Ma'am, Jennie said to take care and observe if somebody is bothering you" she said standing up straight from the bow.

I nod at her but she hand me something, "This is your lunch, Mrs. Jennie prepared it herself"

I smiled because my Nini is so caring, I thank Jihyo and I said thank you to Jennie by relaying a message.

I make my way to the canteen excited to eat my wifes food, when I got there Yeji is waving saying to eat with her squad.

I sat on their table, "Guys this is Lisa, Lisa this is Chaeryoung, Yuna, Ryujin and Lia" Yeji said introducing me, I wave at them and said hello.

I started eating the lunch Jennie cook for me, "That looks good, where did you buy it?"

"I-i cook it myself" I said to them, they nodded and continue eating.

Then I felt somebody at my back, I turned around I saw someone glaring at me.

"Hey!you" she pointed at me, I look at her dumbfounded, did I do something wrong?

"Yes? What is the matter?" I ask her politely.

"I thought this school is for the rich only, why are you here? I saw you came to school using a Honda Civic, thats for the poor" she said accusing me.

"Oh! That was my brothers boyfriend's car, he's the one taking me to school" I said calmly.

"Are you a slut now, seducing your brothers boyfriend?" She said laughing and staring at me in disgust.

"I can't do such thing" I said calmly again...

"Pft, what a slut and a nerd. Why are you accepted here anyways?"

"Oh! I'm a scholar" I said happily.

"Don't be too happy, so your a scholar that means your poor and can't afford the tuition tsk, I don't want your virus so I'll leave" she said leaving.

"Mmm, who's that?" I ask Yeji

"That is Sophia, she got in not because she's smart but because of daddies money" Yeji said

"Oh... I see" I said nodding my head understanding the situation.

I have found the first victim of operation 'TDTRKB' in short for Taking down TRK bullies, Its a long name I need a shorter one.


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