Chapter 6

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"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DOOOO" indian lover man cried, tears threatening to fall.
"let it eat me?" hayden suggested with a straight face.
"no, i'm the only one who can do that. i have an idea." indian lover man said, standing to his feet, "i'll show him who's boss."
"lord just let the panther eat us." jungkook watched the other walk from their hiding spot.

"yo! panther!"
the beast paused and looked for where the voice was coming from. they locked eyes making indian lover man gulp.
"you think you're so tough huh? yeah well you've got nothing on me! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeEeeeeE." indian lover man screeched making the panther cringe in agony.
"you want some more, huh? yeah get a load of this fat ass." indian lover man taunted, throwing it back.

the panther escaped indian lover man's fatal screams and darted towards hayden. he smiled, "i'm finally going to die, reaper, i'm coming for your job."
"no! you can't run away from me when i'm doing my sexy battle cries of dominance! you asked for it now!" he paused, "ahem, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" the panther busted through another window causing glass shards to spurt in every direction.
"so freaking close." hayden tightened the strings on his hoodie in hopes of disappearing or something idk

"no! don't let your hoodie eat you!! fight! do not travel towards the light!" indian lover man yelled as he sunk to his knees beside hayden.
"i'm not dying you enigma."
"aww i love when you give me nicknames! it makes me feel alive. i cant believe i was able to steal your heart!"
hayden rolled his eyes "you also stole a couple of my brain cells."

suddenly jungkook stood up, regaining consciousness. he mumbled stuff about how being domestic is gross and lept out the window to continue his unforeseen journey. he'd brought the panther by mistake when he thought he was saving an oversized cat from the zoo.

"SO ANYWAY! LETS WATCH CARTOONS!" indian lover man said, dragging his emo boyfriend to the couch.
"noo i don't want to."
indian lover man just laughed and put his entire weight on the other to avoid any attempts of escape. hayden frowned.
"shut up, no one treats you like me."
"it would be borderline torture if everyone treated their lover like you do."
indian lover man teared up, a giant wave of passion filling his eyes, "did you just call me your lover?"
"what? no stfu and watch peppa eat her cocaine pancakes."
"AAWWW YOU DID!!" indian lover man exclaimed, crushing the other's rib cage.

"i cant breathe."
"love can do that." indian lover man smiled.
"no literally air is leaving my lungs."
"oh! sorry." indian lover man giggled, "i wonder what we will achieve tomorrow." he continued.
"hopefully nothing that will force me to leave my house or preferably nothing at all because people piss me off."
"i'm a person." indian lover man said with a confused look.
'you piss me off' ~ hayden had thought about saying, but didn't want to upset the other, he wanted that bank after all.
"i can tolerate one person." he mumbled.
"AWWWWWW you're so cute!"

A/N tf is we doing😟

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