Chapter 8

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the couple wandered around the theme park for about an hour when a man approached hayden with a sweet smile. he stepped out of the way thinking the guy might be drunk, however he changed direction with hayden.
"hello," the vampire whispered.
indian lover man felt sudden jealousy when hayden actually answered him. he never answers strangers because they are "too much of a nuisance to handle".

"what do you need?" answered hayden.
the vampire slowly lifted hayden's hand as if trying to charm him. indian lover man quickly reached out to smack the guy's hand.
"sorry. you're a hundred years over his age and about three centuries late." indian lover man growled, pulling hayden's waist closer to him and walking away.
"oh but i don't think so," the vampire answered, catching hayden by the wrist. he twirled out of indian lover man's grip and into the other's arms.

the vampire took hayden into the "vampire sanctuary" before indian lover man could react. indian lover man went to find some garlic.
his fists tightened at his side as he marched around the theme park, eventually finding a small stand that was supposed to ward off evil vampires.

"excuse me si- yoongi?!"
yoongi slowly turned to face the other. his eyes were bulging and red from lack of hibernation. fucking scammys🙄
his grey beard travelled down to his waist. the worst thing, however, was that he was fawking bald.
"oh, indian lover man. fancy seeing you here." he laughed, scratching the back of his neck.
"does everyone in this fanfic have a fucking neck rash or something?" indian lover man mumbled as he stared at yoongi's disgustingly bald head.
(visual for reference ~ 🧑‍🦲)

"i know what you're thinking, it's just a bald cap."
"oh thank god. i almost died from second hand embarrassment."
"what can i help you with?" yoongi asked, ignoring the insult, he thought he looked fine as hell bald but like🙄🤚.

"a vampire stole my precious cute little hayhay."
"that demon? poor vampire."
yoongi laughed at indian lover man trying to climb over the counter to beat his ass but after all he was too short.
yoongi pounded his head on the counter hoping the force would be hard enough to knock him out so that he could get at least ten minutes of sleep.

"indian lover man, you do know they are actors, right? they aren't real vampires."

all of these words clouded indian lover man's mind as he jogged away from the stand, stealing a couple of hot dogs from innocent hands along the way, "ITS FOR JUSTICE!" he screamed. the hungry five year old cried.

indian lover man found the sanctuary and burst through the door. when he inspected the scene, he wanted to be sick.

hayden was tied to a chair, forced to eat grapes. it seemed he was crying as well.

he ran up to the podium only to discover he wasn't tied up, the chains were just the metal dangling from his clothes. his crying was actually laughter and he was eating the grapes by himself. once he made eye contact with hayden, the other waved him over. he slowly walked over afraid this was an ambush.

"come on, silly!" hayden giggled. yes, he giggled. giggled.
the vampire scowled at indian lover man, him sticking his tongue out in response. indian lover man raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend and protectively sauntered over to hayden incase there was any danger. "what's going on?"

hayden gave him a reassuring smile and stood up. he jostled against indian lover man, resulting in him falling on the seat. hayden climbed onto indian lover man's lap and continued to devour the tasty fruits. indian lover man wrapped his arms around hayden and gave a smirk to the vampire, showing he'd already won.
the vampire sent a cheesy smile back before reverting his attention back to hayden, "so, hayhay, are you enjoying your stay?"

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