chpter 31

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indian lover man and hayden were at their first dance lesson. it was circle time soon, meaning they would introduce themselves and give a fact, before the rest of the lesson continued. they were currently shooting death glares at each other from across the room. which was awkward, because everyone else was stretching.

"you're supposed to be doing stretches." hayden spat.

"so are you."

hayden stretched.

"okay everyone! circle time! we have some new faces!" the dance instructor announced. the optimism in his voice made hayden want to invert his rib cage.

the group all gathered in a circle. there was only about 10 people in the class, but that's expected being this place is the only dance school on craigslist located in an abandoned church, not under a monumental pile of rat feces. indian lover man made eye contact with alyssa, who he was surprised to see there, because usually she'd be too busy on holiday in the maldives. alyssa made horse noises (she does that when she's nervous) that made him look away.

"okay, let's go around the circle, please introduce yourself and give one fact about yourself or explain why you're here today!"

"i am plebe. the fate of my life is determined by law that in win the committee's dance competition. really, i signed a waver. i offered my late sister's harvested toe juice as a compromise, but it was rebutted." one guy said.

"hello. my name is alyssa. i am here today because i jokingly told my father i wanted to dance while we were watching strictly. so he bought this place. and i'd feel bad if i didn't attend at least one lesson. that, and i was threatened to have my butler privileges limited further by mother dearest."

"i am dorb, my girlfriend died. she loved to dance, and i'd love to dance to 'dancing with your ghost'. i made sure she was dead for sure, only alive in spirit, as i swallowed her ashes. even in my stools, they would be tainted and no longer hold her soul."

the instructor pursed his lips and was evidently overwhelmed, "i think we'll stop the circle time there, oh! would you look at the time?! let's be begin the lesson before we run out of time!"

the rest of the circle sighed.

as the instructor was teaching the class the steps, indian lover man tried edging closer to hayden, but that just ended in the blood circulation to his feet being cut off entirely. indian lover man made eye contact with hayden and just when he was about to speak up...

suddenly elizabeth ii entered the room.

"mummy!" alyssa shouted before being run over by a bus. that was last year, she's here now. she has severe ptsd from meeting her mother last year - lizzie tried selling her on the black market as she'd been mistaken for a horse. hayden turned to face the door where her highness was standing, and immediately fell in love. alyssa cried and ran out the room.

"good to see you, peasants." she spoke from her thin lips. indian lover man knew hayden loved degradation - and he also knew very well of hayden's type in women. he sighed in defeat.


after the class, hayden went back to lizzie's hotel room - she was just visiting - and while they were doing activities unknown to me in there, they heard shouting from down the corridor.

"NO! PLEASE! I JUST WANT TO FEEL HIS... thighs🤤." kaia drooled.

security guards were dragging kaia by the feet in an attempt to prevent them from making it to richard's room. richard is alyssa's dad; rich, bald, given the name 'daddy dilf' by kaia herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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