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Imagine Maze Runner -71 (English)

Gally screamed and I turend round. He got stung. „NOOOOOOO!!!!" , I screamed and wanted to run to him but newt helt my wrist and pulled me with him. „No you can't help him without getting hurt by yourselve." An with this sentence we ran into the maze without hesitating.

„Be careful and follow Minho and Thomas. They know this place bettern then anyone else." , Newt screamed while running. We kept running and running after a few minutes we took a little break to catch some breath. „Guys what did you pack into you bags. I took some bandages, medecine, some clothes, water and some food." , I said while breathing heavily. Thomas nodded and said: „Yeah I also got the same and lots of warm clothes because it's getting pretty cold during the night."I gave Chuck some water and a jacket. He shouldn't have seen something like this. He isn't even out of his teenager phase but has seen such terrible things. He took the jacket and I hugged him and he shaked and cried. „Shhh everything will be fine." , I said trying not to cry by myself. Minho came to me and opened his bag. „I thought this will help us to get out of here." , he said while pulling out the metallic hing, which was in the griever, outta his bag. „Yeah good that you thought of that." After a few minutes we started running again we had no time to pause. It was pretty dark and from every single corner a shucking griever could appear so we had to be twice as careful. After a few minutes minho stopped and everyone else stopped. „Guys this thing here is vibrating!" , he said with pulling out the metallic thing outta his bag. I took it and it really vibrated. When I turend round to show it to thomas and newt i vibrated even harder. In cause of the shock it fell off my hand. „Guys it's vibrating even harder." , I said. Newt picked it up and walked around. Of course. „I think it's like a compass. It's the way outta here." , he said looking at us. So we started walking anywhere and as harder it vibrated as closere we came to the exit.

Maze Runner Newt x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now