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Imagine Maze Runner -13 (English)

I always had a connection with Thomas. The onliest way to find out, if he was my brother, is when I had the same tattoo like the girl in my dream: „H-E-A-R-T-B-R-O-K-E-N/A4". So I had to ask someone. But right now everyone was sleeping. So I decided, to walk over to the forest and look at the sky. I cound't sleep if I didn't knew if I had found my brother after years, I didn't even knew I had one. I walked over to the forest. It was so dark, I dripped all h'the time. But finally I arrived at my favorite tree, where I always went when I wanted to think about anything. After a while, I decided to sleep in the forest, because I was to tired to walk back to the homestead.The next day I wooke up because I heard how the giant stone walls of the maze opened. I walked back to the homestad , which was much more easier then yesterday in the night. When I walked out of the forest I went into my room to change my clothes. After I changed, I heard someone knocking on my door. I heard a voice with a thick accent. It was Newt. His voice was a little raspy in the morning. „Hey y/n you awake?

Can I come in?" I answered: „Yeah, come in." He walked over to me and hugged me. „Hey thanks , that you took care of me last night." I hugged him back and asked him: „Hey Newt, I have a question. I know it's a weird question, but could you look at my neck and tell me if there is anything on it?" „Yeah of course." After our hug, I turned around and lifted my hair, so he could look at my neck. „Is there anythin on it?" He nodded and said:" Yeah there are some letters tattooed in your neck."

My heart bumped like hell, I could feel how it raced. He started to spell the letters, like the boy in my dram did: „ H-E-A-R-T-B-R-O-K-E-N/A4." I fell down on the bed and stared at the wall. „Hey what's going on? Whats the problem?" I couldn't breathe. „y/N.", he said calmly, „Yesterday night, I don't know if I dreamt it, but I think I told you my deepest secret. Not even Tommy knows it. The only persons, who know what happened are you and Minho. I told it to you, because I knew I could trust you. So I just want you to know, that you can trust me. If you want to talk to me, you know where to find me." I just sobbed and nodded. He wanted to walk outta the door, but then I decided, that I need to talk to someone, or else I'm gonna explode. „Newt, wait please. Do you have time, I want to talk to you now." „Of course, love." He came back and sat on the chair next to my bed. I started talking. „So you know, after our tour you walked me over to my room to make sure, that I'm gonna take some rest and sleep. After you left, I fell asleep and dreamt something. I dreamt of some kids,3 boys and a girl, that got something tattooed in their necks, without their permission, they got brant marked. And the boy with the black hair was the brother of the girl. The boy had the letters: „L-E-A-D-E-R/A4" on his neck. And yesterday wou weren't the only one, that fell asleep at the bonfire. Minho and Thomas also slept there. So at first I brought Minho back to the homestead and after him I brought you back and you told me your secret, which I really appreciate and after you were in your room I went back, to get Thomas and he mumbled something like : „Let go off her." and felt anxious. So he hugged me tight. I felt sorry for him and hugged him back. While I was hugging him I saw the same tattoo from the boy in my dreams on his neck: „L-E-A-D-E-R/A4."

Maze Runner Newt x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now