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Imagine Maze Runner -58 (English)

I tried to helt back my tears. How could he say something like that? „wait i'm sorry for what i did but why can't it be like earlier. Why aren't you my best friend anymore, newt?" „I can't be friends with someone who i love. I can't be around you knowing that you love me as well but we can't be together because of you." „Newt that's not fair. I told you already why it can't be like that." only because of w.c.k.d i've lost my best friend again. Only because of them i've lost my soul mate. Everything was just their fault.he climbed down and i had to convince myself not to cry. I wanted to be together with him. I wanted to wake up every morning ans see him laying next to me. I wanted him to call me love. I wanted to cuddle with him. I wanted to sleep on his chest hearing his hearbeat and feeling his chest raising and falling while he's pedding my hair. But all of that couldn't happen ever.

Maze Runner Newt x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now