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Imagine Maze Runner -19 (English)

When I woke up I my head was on placed on Newts chest. It was so early in the morning not even the sun set yet. So i decided to fall asleep again and because of the rythm of newts heart and the warmth of his body and how his chest raised up and down, it was easy to fall asleep again. After a couple of hours I woke up and realized, that Newt was awake already. He played with my hair and grinned down to me. „Did you watch me while I was sleeping ? That's creepy." , Newt lauhged and said: „No actually, it's pretty cute how you sleep. And i can definetly say, that you dreamt of me. You don't even try to deny it." I looked shocked at him: „what? Did I speak while I was sleeping?"

„No, but the drool on my shirt proves it." „Well actually, I think I dreamt something about some pizza with extra cheese." He started laughing, „seems like you're hungry, wanna eat breakfast?" I nodded in agreement: „of course let's go." we climed down of the tree house, newt helped me, because of my twisted ankle. Thomas saw us and wanted to talk to me. „Ook umm newt do you want to eat the breakfast in my room? So go and set it up in my room while i'm gonna talk to thomas. Newt noddded and walked towards the kitchen. „So the first question is, what did you guys did up there?" „i couldn't sleep and i wanted to look at the stars like we used to when we were kids and then i saw newt and i told him the whole story and he was shocked but now i think, something between us changed. I think we have our old connection, that we lost ,before we lost our memories. And did you talk to minho?" Thomas shaked his head and said: „Not yet but while we are going to run into the maze today i'm gonna explain it to him."

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