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Imagine Maze Runner -56 (English)

he had a good point. „yeah i think you're right at this hope but-." , he interrupted me , „No there is no but, let's look how it works out and try it i mean how will you know if it works or not without even trying?" I nodded, „yeah again you're right but we are not here to love each other. we're here to find a way out newt. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for loving you newt." I took his hand, looked him onto the eyes and gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking ot of the med-hut. I know i shouldn't have done that but he was so sad and i just wanted him to know one last time that i love him. I wanted that he heard this words coming out of my mouth for one last time. After the new bandaging up and the whole conversation it became really dark I wanted to walk towards my room but instead i walked to thomas. I had to talk to someone about this and here was no girl around so the only person i could really trust was my twin brother. I walked to his room and opened the door quiet. I saw him sleeping and I just laid down next to him with my head placed on his chest. I started crying and my tears were falling down my face. Thomas noticed it and woke up. He asked me with his raspy sleepy voice what's going on because he felt that his shirt was wet from my tears. „newt told me that he loves me and i just told him that it's impossible to be together though i love him as well." He hugged me tight and tried to calm me down but i was still sobbing and trying by myself to calm down by myself, „thomas i love him but we can't be together. I love him with all my heart and the glaze when i tolf him that i love him was unbelievable happy anf full with hope But when i told him that i'm trying to forget him he looked so sad and i just tried to not cry but i couldn't help crying." „shhhh i know it's hard. Calm down. At least he knows that you love him and he heard it from yourself."

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