Oliver tries to get to know his kids. He finds it easier to get to know Conner because he already knows him. He is having a hard time getting through to Mia though. There is a new threat in the city and that threat comes with a familiar face. It turns out that the new Deathstroke is none other than Grant Wilson, the son of Slade Wilson. Mia wants to kill Grant because he is the cause of all the trouble with the Deathstroke Gang in the future.

The team ends up finding out what happened in the future with JJ becoming the future Deathstroke and Zoe getting killed by JJ. The team goes after the Deathstrokes and Mia corners Grant and is about to kill him when Oliver stops her because he didn't want his daughter to become a killer. Grant is taken into custody and the team promises Conner and Mia that they will keep an eye on him and make sure he cannot cause any more trouble.

Curtis tells the team that information that they are looking for to help them build the device to help with crisis is located in Russia. Oliver is finally able to talk to Mia and get to know her once she realizes why Oliver stopped her from killing Grant Wilson.

Oliver, Laurel, Mia, and Conner head to Russia to retrieve the information on the device that they need to build while Diggle enlists the help of Roy Harper to help him steal plutonium. Oliver and his team meet up with Anatoly for help in meeting the Russian General who has the plans that they need.

The Russian General is killed for the information by the new leader of the Bratva. Oliver and Mia are taken hostage and tied to chairs. Mia then has to ring the bell which she gets close to doing but does not make it in time. Oliver and Mia are able to get free with the help from the rest of the team. Back in the States, Diggle and Roy steal the plutonium that they need. Diggle tells Roy what their visitor from the future told him about Roy and that causes Roy to join the team again because it will help him with the blood lust to have people looking after him.

Back in Russia, Oliver and Mia decide to fight in a cage match so they can distract the Bratva so that the rest of the team can get the information that they are looking for. The plan ends up working and they get the device.

When the team returns home, Laurel meets up with Lyla to give her the device. She then lets Lyla know that she was never going to give Lyla the device and then she lets Lyla know that now Oliver and Diggle know she is working with Novu. The three heroes are rendered unconscious by tranq darts.

Oliver wakes up and finds that he is running late to a party. When he finally shows up, he finds something weird. Quentin Lance is alive and is the mayor. Oliver and Quentin have to leave in order to stop a hostage situation. A bomb explodes and Oliver wakes up in his apartment again and he realizes that he is in a Groundhog Day kind of time loop.

The next time through, Oliver finds that Laurel is also in this simulation. They team up and try to prevent the bomb from going off and it doesn't work this time either. After a few more tries they stop the bomb but are still in the simulation. They go to a different location and Quentin gets killed there as well. After a couple of more tries Laurel is holding Quentin while he is dying and she finally tells him goodbye, which ends her part in the simulation.

Oliver tries to keep Quentin alive a few more times but he finally realizes that he needs to let this happen because there is no stopping this. This ends the simulation for Oliver. What Oliver was supposed to learn was that there is no stopping his death no matter what he does. Oliver and Laurel wake up to find themselves on Lian Yu with Diggle, Conner, and Mia.

The team must put together the device to hold the plutonium while they wait for the plutonium to arrive with Dinah, Rene, and Roy. When the plane is over the island it is shot down and the team has to go and find the plutonium and the rest of the team. Conner and Mia stay behind to put the device together.

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