Chapter 3

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While Oliver and Yao Fei were out hunting for food, Yao Fei would shoot the animals and he would send Oliver to collect whatever he had killed. Oliver was getting impatient with this, so he asked, "Why can I try to kill the animal instead of going to collect it?"

"Ok, here you try." Yao Fei said.

Oliver took the bow and arrow and Yao Fei told him to aim for the tree. Oliver aimed at the tree and shot the arrow. He missed by a long ways and Yao Fei said, "That is why you don't shoot. Now go get the rabbit and my arrow."

"Well, I could have told you that wasn't going to go well, we all know Ollie isn't into shooting things." Tommy said.

"Tell me about it. I was surprised he was even that close to the target." Thea said.

"You would all be surprised at what Ollie can do. He might not be good at it now, but you just wait." Sara said.

"How would you know? You aren't even there." Laurel said.

They all quieted down again to watch the video.

As Oliver is walking through the woods to get the dead rabbit and the arrow, he shot he is jumped from behind by a mercenary. They next thing Oliver knows is that he wakes up in front of a man who starts asking him questions.

"My name is Edward Fyres. I would like to know if you have met this man while you have been on the island?" Fyres asked.

"I have never seen him before. I just washed up on shore the other day." Oliver said.

"Why would Ollie lie about knowing who Yao Fei is?" Thea asked.

"Because they are friends now and he would not turn his back on his friend." Diggle said.

Fyres asked Oliver a few more times if he had seen Yao Fei while he had been on the island and Oliver didn't change his answer. Fyres then got up to leave and said, "If you won't give me the answers I need, I will let my friend ask you and he won't be so nice about it."

Oliver is then tied up and a man with a orange and black mask walks into the room.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." Moira said.

The man then walks up to Oliver and takes out a sword and starts cutting Oliver on his chest and abdomen.

"Oh, my poor beautiful boy. How did you stand this?" Moira said.

Thea and Laurel just looked away from the screen because they could watch Oliver being treated like this.

Fyres finally figures out that Oliver probably doesn't know anything, so he told the man in the mask to kill Oliver. There was some kind of noise outside and Fyres and the other man left the tent. That was when Yao Fei snuck in and saved Oliver.

"Oh, thank God. Oliver is going to be alright." Moira said.

"I have to say, I have a whole new respect for Oliver after seeing him take that and still not turn on his friend." Quentin said and everyone in the room nodded.

Oliver and Yao Fei get back to the cave and then Yao Fei give some of the herbs to Oliver to help him heal and then he leaves to go continue hunting. A little while later Yao Fei shows up with a hostage and Oliver looks to see that Yao Fei had capture Fyres.

"There is something fishy about this. I bet it is a trap of some sort." Diggle said.

"I was thinking the same thing." Quentin said.

"Couldn't it just be good luck for once since Oliver has been on this island?" Thea asked.

"I would like to hope so, but we all know that Ollie hasn't had that kind of luck since he got on the island." Laurel said and everyone nodded as they continued to watch.

"I can get you off of this island. All you have to do is take me to the camp and I will arrange for you a flight tonight." Fyres said.

They followed Fyres until they heard a noise in the woods around them. The looked around and saw that they were surrounded by Fyres men.

"I thought you were going to help us get off of the island." Oliver said.

"You didn't think that it was too easy for you to capture me. This was my plan all along." Fyres said.

At this point Yao Fei starts to fight and Oliver runs to hide. Oliver watches the fight from a distance, and he sees that Yao Fei has been captured by the man in the orange and black mask.

"Well, this can't be good. Yao Fei was already doing everything for Ollie. I wonder what will happen to him now?" Laurel asked.

"I have a feeling he will be captured before to long." Tommy said and everyone in the room glared at him.

"What? Tell me you weren't thinking the same thing." Tommy said.

Oliver hid behind a tree and waited with a knife in his hand as he was going to try and kill the mercenary that was following him. Oliver attacked and the man blocked him right away. After a bit of a struggle, the man and Oliver fell down a hill and the man hit his head on a rock dying instantly.

Oliver changed into the man's clothes and made his way to the camp to see if he could find Yao Fei.

"I wasn't expecting that." Quentin said.

"Neither was I. I hope it isn't a bad mis take to go into that camp though." Moira said and everyone had to agree with her on that.

Once Oliver was in the camp, he couldn't find Yao Fei anywhere. He went to the eating area and got some food and ate. He soon found some guys and told him that he was new, and he didn't know where to go.

Oliver got in a vehicle with another man and just as they were about to pull off Fyres got in with them. Fyres looked at Oliver and asked, "Are you new here? You look a little overwhelmed."

"Yeah, I am new." Oliver said.

Fyres then asked Oliver a question and he obviously answered it wrong because the man driving knocks him out. When Oliver came to, he was in a cage looking up at Fyres and the other man who had a mask on.

Fyres asked, "Why did you come here Oliver. Did you think that you wouldn't get caught?"

"I was just trying to help my friend." Oliver said.

"Are you sure he is your friend? You might think differently about that soon." Fyres said.

As Fyres finished talking, the man took off his mask and revealed that he was Yao Fei.

"Why would he turn on Ollie like that? Especially after Ollie didn't give him up earlier?" Thea asked.

"I would say that Fyres probably has something on him and he didn't really have a choice." Diggle said.

"I hope you are right about that. If not, I am really going to hate this Yao Fei." Moira said as the group took a break from the video for a while

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