Chapter 28

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"I am glad to see that I am getting smart and trying to stay away from the alcohol and drugs." Laurel said.

"We all know that we will not let that happen now that we know that you can go down that path. It might be better for you to go dry just in case." Sara said.

"I agree. I don't really need to drink anyways." Laurel said.

"So, what do you think is going to happen now?" Thea asked.

"Well, it looks like we are probably getting to the part where everything starts to happen, so I think things are going to start to get interesting." Tommy said as he and everyone else walked back into the room to watch the video.

Frank Bertinelli was picked up by the police in a raid and taken into custody. Everyone knew that this meant that Helena would be back to try and kill her father, so they had to be ready.

Donner, one of the ADA's hired Laurel back to try the case against Bertinelli. Helena gets to the courthouse and takes hostages, and she says she will exchange them for her father.

Sara enters the courthouse and finds Laurel and they go and hide in one of the offices. Laurel finds a bottle of liquor and she is about to take a drink. Sara stops her by asking Laurel to show her how strong she is. Sara then tries to get Laurel out of the courthouse, but Laurel won't leave the hostages, so they go and try to fight their way to the hostages, but Sara is sent out a window and Laurel is taken hostage.

Later Helena gets in touch with Oliver and tells him that she will exchange Laurel for her father. Oliver agrees and Quentin helps him do this. Bertinelli is killed by a SWAT officer who was there to take down the vigilantes because he doesn't like the way they do things. Quentin arrests Helena and while she is at the police station, Oliver visits her, and she says that he was right, and she doesn't feel better after her father is dead like she thought she would.

Laurel then goes back to work and finds out that she really wasn't hired back, that the ADA didn't have the authority to do that. Laurel tells the DA that she will hire her back or she will tell everyone that they brought her back just for this case and that would make her look bad. Laurel was then hired back because the DA didn't want to look bad for something one of her employees did.

Roy is told by Oliver that he is too dangerous to be around Thea, so he needs to break up with her. To do this he makes out with another employee at Verdant and Thea sees him, and she breaks up with him. Thea is very upset, so she is walking home when a limo pulls up and it happens to be Slade Wilson inside. He says that he will give her a ride home.

"Well, that doesn't look good." Thea said.

"Not at all." Moira said.

It turns out that Slade kidnaps Thea and no one knows about it until when Moira and Blood were having a debate and a video is put up with a shot of Thea being held by her kidnapper.

Oliver then goes to the office and gives Isabel temporary leadership of the company. He later finds out that Isabel used her power to become the sole CEO of the company and kicking Oliver out. When Oliver goes to find out why she is doing this he finds out that she is working for Slade. Isabel tells Oliver where Thea is being held and he goes to rescue her.

Oliver fights his way through the building and when he gets to where Thea should have been, he finds that she is not there. He contacts Felicity and she tells him that Thea had just shown up at the police department. When Oliver and Moira get there, they find out that Slade told Thea that she is Malcolm's daughter, and she is mad at them for keeping this from her.

Quentin was arrest because he arrested Slade Wilson because the Arrow was involved with the arrest. He had been warned about working with the Arrow. He had also been demoted because of it.

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