Chapter 13

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The next day Oliver was back in Hong Kong getting debriefed by a U.S. General. Once he was done the General told him that he was free to go. Oliver found Maseo, Tatsu, and Akio outside and they went to the port so that they could catch the ships to where they were going. Oliver was going to catch a ship to the U.S. and Maseo and his family were going to go back to Japan.

"Something about this just doesn't feel right to me. I mean, why did they have to go back to Hong Kong to get debriefed. Something is off." Diggle said.

"I was thinking the same thing." Quentin said.

"I hope you are wrong, but I know that you are probably not." Moira said.

As they reached the docks someone started to shoot at them. The group got split up. Maseo and Tatsu went one way and Oliver and Akio went the other way. They kept running until they could see that they were not being followed closely for a second.

"Akio, where would your parent meet you if you got separated?" Oliver asked.

"They always said to go to the garden." Akio said.

"Ok, so we will go there then." Oliver said as they made their way to the botanical gardens.

When they arrived, they waited for a while until they saw some men in some suits, so they took off running again and Oliver ran into a woman. The woman turned around and when Oliver saw her face, it was like he had seen a ghost.

"Shado?" Oliver asked.

"No, my name is Mai. I am Shado's twin sister. How do you know her?" Mai asked.

"I knew her from school." Oliver said.

"Well, I haven't seen her in years. Do you have any idea where she is?" Mai asked.

"Sorry, I haven't seen her in a while either." Oliver said.

"I was wondering if you could help us. We have some people after us and we need to hide." Oliver said.

"Sure, you and your friend can come with me. I would like to hear more about Shado." Mai said.

When they got to Mai's house Oliver decided to take a shower. Mai happened to see the tattoo on Oliver's shoulder that happened to be at the same place as Shado had it and she called the police because she thought Oliver had something to do with Shado being missing. When Oliver got out of the shower Mai confronted him.

"You know more about my sister then you say. You have her tattoo on your shoulder. I called the police. They will be here soon." Mai said.

All of a sudden people were shooting into the house trying to kill them. Some of the men broke in and Oliver was able to stop one of them but the other was about to shoot him when Maseo and Tatsu came in and killed the rest.

"We have been following you for a while. We just had to wait for them to make their move first." Maseo said as he and his wife hugged their son.

"Thanks." Oliver said as he turned to Mai.

"I will tell you the truth about your sister and your father. They helped me survive on the island of Lian Yu. They are both dead now though. I miss them every day. Just know that they died with honor." Oliver said.

"I have been waiting to hear something about them for so long. It is a relief that I finally know. Thank you." Mai said and the four others left.

"I am going to go to the base and see why Waller is trying to kill us." Oliver said.

When he got there, he walked to the room where Waller had tortured him earlier and he found Waller there beaten up.

"Why are you trying to kill us?" Oliver asked.

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