Chapter 6

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"You guys ready to start the video? This will take place during dad's second year on the island. Are there any questions?" Conner asked.

"Do I have to watch this? I have already experienced it once." Sara said.

"It might make it easier to explain some of the things that happen if you are here." Mia said.

"Ok, I will stay." Sara said.

The video picks up with Oliver and Slade looking at a piece of equipment that they had salvaged from Fyres camp. It was telling them that they were not alone on the island like they thought they were.

The group of three went to see where these people could be coming from. They got to an area of high ground and they could see that there was a ship off the coast of the island.

"Maybe we can see if these people can get us home." Oliver said.

"It's possible. We need to see what they are doing first, before we approach them." Shado said.

The group went down to where the plane was that they were staying in, but on the way, they got separated and Shado was taken hostage by the people that were on the ship. Oliver and Slade waited for the right time and they attacked and freed Shado from the men who had her, but not before Oliver had killed a man.

The three of them went back to the plane and Oliver was shaking because it was the first person that he had ever killed where he didn't really have to. Slade and Shado tried to talk to him and let him know that everything would be alright.

"Poor Ollie, I don't know what I would do if something like that would happen to me." Thea said.

Oliver and Slade went out a little bit later to get some food and when they were on their way back to the plane the area started to get bombed by the ship. Oliver was thrown to the side and almost knocked unconscious by the blast while Slade was hit pretty hard and was burnt by the blast. Some men came and picked up Oliver and took him back to the ship, leaving Slade because they thought he was dead. Shado was thought to be dead as well because they thought she was in the plane which had been hit.

On the ship, the crew members asked Oliver a few questions and he didn't answer them, so they shot him. They slid supplied into the cell so that Oliver could treat himself when he finally woke up. When he woke up the man in the cell next to his told him that he needed to take the bullet out and then clean the wound.

"Why would they shoot me and then give me supplies to treat myself?" Oliver asked.

"It is a test. If you are strong enough to make it through this then you will be used like the rest of us." The man with the beard said.

"What do you mean by that?" Oliver asked.

"Everyone in these cells has been experimented on. Ivo is looking for some serum. He is testing us so that he can use the serum on us that will hopefully be a cure for every disease in the world." The man said.

"What's your name?" Oliver asked.

"Anatoly, and you are?" Anatoly asked.

"Oliver." Oliver said.

At that time some crew members came to Oliver's cell and dragged him to a room on the ship. When they got there, they threw Oliver on the ground and left the room. Oliver saw some legs approaching him, so he looked up to see who it was.

"What? I thought you were dead." Oliver said.

The woman hit him and said, "Prisoners do not speak." As the camera looked up and everyone could see that it was Sara.

"What the hell Sara? How could you do this to Oliver?" Laurel asked.

"I didn't have a choice. I had to do what Ivo said because he was keeping me safe. If he didn't keep me safe, I would be at the mercy of the crew, which was all men and they had been on that ship without women for a long time." Sara said.

"Ok, that makes sense. Let's see what happens next." Thea said.

A man walked into the room and looked at Oliver and introduced himself.

"I am Anthony Ivo, and you are?" Ivo asked.

Oliver knew that he shouldn't give him his real name, so he said, "My name is Tommy, and I was shipwrecked on that island for about a year."

"Why did Oliver say that he was Tommy?" Tommy asked.

"Because it was better that Ivo didn't know his name. He knew too much about me and he knew that I was on the boat with Ollie when it sank. If he knew who Ollie was, he could have used us against each other." Sara said.

"Ok well I have some questions for you Tommy. Do you know if there is a Japanese submarine anywhere on the island?" Ivo asked.

"Not that I have seen. I haven't seen the whole island though. It is quite big." Oliver said.

"Ok, what about your friends? Would they know?" Ivo asked.

"I don't know, but I am pretty sure that they are dead." Oliver said.

"I don't know if they are or not. Maybe you could contact them for us." Ivo said.

"I don't think so." Oliver said.

Some of the crew came back and lead Oliver back to his cell. Once he was there, he talked to Anatoly and another man for a while. Not long after Sara came to his cell and unlocked it so that he could get out.

"Ollie, I am going to take you to the radio so that you contact your friends, and they might be able to get us off this boat." Sara said.

"Ok, lead the way." Oliver said.

When they arrived at the radio room Sara turned on the radio and gave to microphone to Oliver. He was able to reach Shado and Slade and found out that they were alive, but Slade was injured badly. All of a sudden, Ivo walked into the room and said, "Thank you Oliver, now we know that your friends are alive, and you are going to lead us to them."

"How could you do that to him Sara?" Laurel asked.

"It's called Stockholm Syndrome. I thought that Ivo was keeping me safe, so I would do whatever he wanted." Sara said.

"I have seen that before. It is a real thing." Diggle said.

Not long later Oliver and a group of people from the ship which included Sara and Ivo were getting to the area where the plane was. They went inside and found it deserted. When they exited the plane, the group was attacked by Slade and Shado, which allowed Oliver to drag Sara away so that they could escape. While they were running Slade and Shado caught up with them. They had to take a break at one point because Slade was in such bad shape.

They finally started walking again and they came up on what looked like a lake in the middle of the island and in the middle of it was a submarine. The group went down to see what they could find. When they got in the sub, Slade collapsed, and they knew that he was about to die. They found the serum.

"You need some sort of sedative to use with the serum. It is too powerful if you don't have that to mix with the serum. It will most likely cause him to die if you don't have it." Sara said.

"Looks like he could die either way, so it is worth the risk." Shado said.

Oliver took the syringe and stuck it into Slade leg and injected him. Slade started to shake violently and scream as his eyes started to bleed, then all of a sudden, there was nothing and Shado checked for a pulse and Slade didn't have one. Apparently, they serum didn't work, and Slade was now dead.

"Shit, he was like the only one that was keeping Ollie alive. I am surprised he made it after Slade died." Tommy said.

"Like I told you, Ollie is not the same man that he was during his first year anymore. He is better trained, and he can take care of himself pretty well. But you will see what happens soon. I really don't want to watch this though. This was tough to live through." Sara said.

"So, things are going to get worse than they already are?" Laurel asked.

"Oh, you have no idea." Sara said.

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