Chapter 34

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"So, what is going to happen in year five? I mean it can't be worse than year four can it?" Quentin asked.

"Don't tempt fate dad. You never know what can happen." Sara said.

"So, are you going to try and get out of the League and come home to us as soon as you can?" Laurel asked.

"That is the plan. I have been working on something for the both of us that I will give to you when it is time to go." Sara said.

"Sounds good. It would be nice to have you around. I know it looked like I was a bitch to you in the videos, but I am not that person now, and plus I know that you didn't Ollie didn't cheat with you now." Laurel said.

"I will get there as soon as I can. I have to find a way to convince Ras to release me." Sara said.

"I know you will find a way." Quentin said as everyone got quite for year five of videos.

With Team arrow being disbanded Oliver is out in the city trying to save it alone. Felicity tries to talk him into putting together a new team. He is also having to deal with being the mayor of his city. Oliver is taken captive by the new crime boss in the city. Thea returns long enough to save him. She quits when she sees that Oliver has no problem killing people again. Oliver finally sees the point of making a new team because he is running himself in too many different directions right now. A new bad guy shows up in a suit that resembles Oliver's and kill a policeman outside of the precinct.

Oliver decides who he wants to recruit for his team. He beings in Rene Ramirez, Evelyn Sharpe, and Curtis Holt. The new team ends up quitting because they don't know who Oliver is and they can't trust him because of that. Oliver comes up against a person known as Ragman and they end up being on the same side and stop a deal between Church (The new crime boss in the city) and another person. Oliver reveals himself to the new team and everyone rejoins, including Ragman. Quentin is named deputy mayor. Church ends up having the other person dressed like Green Arrow com after him. His name is Prometheus.

Team Arrow is now going after a man known as Derek Sampson who is making a new drug called Stardust. Some of the recruits go after Sampson and cause him to become enhanced when he falls in the drugs. They later take down Sampson before he can create more people like himself. Oliver announces Quentin as his deputy mayor. Diggle is put in prison because he was framed by the people he was working with in the military. Lyla goes to Oliver to break Diggle out.

Oliver leaves the team to go and break Diggle out of prison. While he is gone Church is able to get into the precinct because of a bomb and steal a lot of the weapon kept there. Oliver gets Diggle out of prison and takes him to a safehouse in Star City. Chase attacks a building to get one of his men back and Rene is captured in the process. He is tortured for information about the team.

Rene is rescued but it ends up that he told Church who Green Arrow really is. Church comes after Oliver, who ends up faking his death with the help of a man who is named Christopher Chance, who can become the target and take the hit. In this case he became Oliver. Oliver and his team take out Church and he then goes back to work as the mayor. Church is killed by Prometheus for going after Green Arrow.

The team begins to distrust Oliver when they find out about his list because of Prometheus using it to kill people around the city. The people's names were anagrams of people on the list. Prometheus becomes known as the Throwing Star Killer. Thea finds out that Quentin is still getting drunk. Quentin wakes up one night and finds a throwing star and his arm is cut in the exact place as Prometheus's would be, so he assumes that he is Prometheus when he blackout from being drunk.

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