Chapter 5

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The next day Shado started to train Oliver. The first thing she did was make him fill a bowl up with water and slap the water. Oliver thought that this was a waste of his time, but he knew that there must have been some purpose to it, so he continued to do this for the next couple of days.

"That does look ridiculous. What is the purpose of that anyways?" Tommy asked.

"It helps an archer with his arm strength so that he does not break the bow string." Sara said.

"How do you know all of this Sara?" Quentin asked.

"I would rather not say, but I know that you will see more about me as this goes along, so you will just have to wait and see." Sara said and everyone nodded and turned back to the video.

Slade then walked into the plane and saw that Oliver was still smacking the water and said, "Kid, I can see that you are getting good at splashing that water but, I don't see where it is doing any kind of training where it can help you fight."

"It is not about fighting it is about arm strength and I will show you what it does." Shado said as she walks over to Oliver and she handed him a bow.

"Draw the bow string back." Shado said.

Oliver did as she told him to, and he was now able to pull the string back with no problem. Shado then took him outside and had him shoot at targets. He missed the first several times but then he started to hit the targets. Not in the center of course, but he was getting closer.

After a few weeks Oliver was getting to where he was hitting the bullseye on a regular basis. Slade was watching Oliver while he was training, and he was impressed. "Damn kid, I don't think you will be completely worthless whenever we have to fight again. You are getting really good at that."

"Thanks, so what do we do now?" Oliver asked.

"We need to go and scout out that camp and see what Fyres is planning." Slade said.

"I agree. He needs my father for something, and we need to find out what that is." Shado said.

Later that night Oliver, Slade and Shado went to the camp to see what they could find out. From the shadows on the outside of camp they saw a big machine that was used to shoot missiles.

"I wonder what they are planning to do with that." Oliver asked.

"It can't be anything good. I would say they are going to try to sink a ship or blow up a plane." Slade said.

"Ok, so we need to destroy that machine." Shado said.

"That is easier said than done." Slade said.

"Maybe we don't have to destroy it. Maybe we can disable it." Oliver said.

"What do you mean?" Shado asked.

"Most machines like that are run by a computer. If you remove the computer chip it can't operate. So, I say we get the chip and then we have a bargaining chip to get off of this island." Oliver said.

"I'll be damned kid, you aren't completely worthless after all." Slade said.

"That was pretty smart of Oliver. I didn't know he knew anything about computers." Moira said.

"I think he just wants us to think he is not smart because he didn't want to do anything. I always thought he was smarter than he let on." Laurel said.

Oliver and Shado went to the machine to get the computer chip while Slade was going to cover them if they needed it. When they were about done getting the chip someone caught them and that made Slade have to shoot the person which in turn notified everyone else that something was going on. While Oliver and Shado were running back to where Slade was Slade was covering them until they reach cover then they all took off back to the plane.

"Well, that worked out well. Now they might be able to find a way off the island?" Tommy said.

"You know that is not true. He is still on the island Tommy." Thea said.

Oliver and Slade went to hide the chip so that if they were caught, Fyres still would not have the chip.

A few days later Oliver, Slade and Shado were sitting in the plane when they heard a noise coming from the entrance and they got ready to fight but they saw that it was Yao Fei.

"How were you able to get away from them father?" Shado asked.

"I am sorry about this." Yao Fei said.

"What are you talking about?" Oliver said and Fyres and some of his men walked into the plane with guns pointed at them. Later, Oliver, Slade and Shado were tied up and listening as Yao Fei was doing as he was told and making a speech about taking down a plane. Unfortunately, they would be able to do that now because Fyres' men found the chip before they rounded up the three others.

Once Yao Fei was done with his speech, he was shot which made Oliver, Slade and Shado upset. Oliver had finally cut his ropes and passed the knife to Slade as they listened to one of Fyres men contact the plane that they were trying to take down. Slade passed the knife to Shado, as he and Oliver got up and started to attack the men that were in the tent. Once they were done with that the three of them went outside and were trying to stop the machine with the missiles.

Oliver and Slade were on the machine trying to destroy it, but before they could, it fired a missile. Oliver thought fast and knew that he needs to reprogram the missile so that it would not hit the plane. Somehow, he got the missile to come back and hit the camp. Once the explosion died down Oliver looked for his friends.

"Slade, Shado, where are you?" Oliver asked.

"I am right here kid. You did a good job. Let's fine Shado." Slade said.

When they turned around, they saw Shado who was being held by Fyres as a shield. Oliver had found Yao Fei's bow and arrows and aimed it at Fyres.

"You won't shoot Mr. Queen. You might hit your friend here." Fyres said as Oliver kept his aim on Fyres.

"I can give you a way off of this island. You have destroyed everything that I have been working towards. I will be happy to never see you again, once you are off this island. It is either that or you kill me, and you will be stranded her forever." Fyres said.

Shado gave a little nod and Oliver released the arrow and it hit Fyres right in the head killing him instantly. It was all over now. They had stopped the bad guy, but they were still trapped on the island though. Later that night they were back at the plane resting, but what they didn't know was that a big ship was entering the waters around Lian Yu.

"I hate that ship." Sara said.

"How do you know about that ship Sara?" Quentin asked.

"Because I am on it. I don't like who I became while I was on that ship. Y'all will probably hate me for a while, but I finally come around." Sara said.

"Ok, while that is interesting, why would Ollie kill the man who was his only way off the island?" Thea asked.

"Because Fyres was too dangerous to be left alive. He would probably try to finish the job somehow if Oliver hadn't done what he did." Diggle said.

"How do you know all of this? It is like you know this from experience." Tommy said.

"I was in the army. You learn that kind of thing in war and make no mistake, Oliver was at war." Diggle said.

"Oh, my poor beautiful boy. What is this island turning you into?" Moira asked.

"He is turning into a better man then what he was before the Gambit went down. I can tell you that much." Laurel said.

"He really is. He was twice the man from when I saw him on the Gambit until I saw him again." Sara said.

"Good. He is finally becoming the man that I knew he could be, and it makes me love him even more than I already did." Laurel said.

"Ok, so that is the end of the first year on the island. Now, why don't you go and get something to eat and then we will start on year two." Conner said and everyone nodded as they went to rest for a while and go get something to eat as well.

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