Chapter 20

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A/N: As I have said before, now that we are in the eight years of Oliver being a vigilante, I am only going to do the parts that I think will help the people closest to Oliver understand him and to be able to help him. I will not be doing every episode. Hope you enjoy it.

Oliver is in a limo that pulls up in front of the Queen mansion. He gets out of the car and races to the trunk of the limo so that he can get his crate from when he was on Lian Yu. He walks into the house and he sees a man that he knows but he can't put a name to the face.

"Good to have you back Oliver." The man said.

"You remember our friend Walter don't you Oliver?" Moira asked and Oliver nodded.

He then turns because he hears a noise from upstairs. He sees that his sister is standing at the top of the stair. He walks over to the stairs and Thea jumps into his arms.

"I knew you were still alive." Thea said.

"You were there with me the whole time." Oliver said.

"I told you that yachts suck man." Tommy said from behind him and Oliver turned around to smile at his friend.

"It is good to see you Tommy." Oliver said.

The group then went to have dinner and Oliver realizes that Moira and Walter are now married which is a little too much for him to take in at this point, so he asks to be excused. Before he leaves though, he and Tommy set up something for the next day.

The next day Oliver gets Tommy to drop him off at CNRI so that he could see Laurel. "Hello Laurel, how have you been?" Oliver asked.

"I am doing pretty good considering what you put me through. We need to get together sometime and have a talk." Laurel said.

"I thought you would hate me more than you are showing right now. I would deserve it. I just hope to earn your forgiveness one day." Oliver said.

"I would love to hate you right now, but there are more important things then me hating you going on right now. Do you think we could get together say Friday night?" Laurel said.

"I think I can make that work." Oliver said as he left the office and got into Tommy's car.

"So, how did it go?" Tommy asked.

"It went better than I thought it would. She said that we need to get together sometime and talk." Oliver said.

"I know what this is about, but it is not my place to say. So, where to now?" Tommy asked.

"To my father's old steel mill." Oliver said.

They pull up to the fence in front of the steel mill and Oliver gets out and looks at the place. This is what was going to become his base of operations as a vigilante. They then went to grab something to eat and when they were on their way back to the car, someone jumped them and kidnapped them.

When Oliver woke up, he was zip tied to a chair. "Mr. Queen, did your father make it off of the boat? Did he tell you anything?" the man asked, and Oliver didn't answer which got him a taser to the chest. The man asked again, and Oliver still didn't say anything which got him another shock.

When the man asked for the third time Oliver said, "Yeah he told me something. He told me that I am going to kill you."

"And how will you do that when you are tied to that chair?" the man asked.

Oliver lifted his hands up to show that they were no longer tied. He then attacked the man who was right in front of him and he used that man as a shield against the gunshots and then he was able to get close enough to the second man to take him out. Oliver had to chase down the last man and when he finally did, he got him in a choke hold.

Specter of Oliver QueenWhere stories live. Discover now