Ill See You Sooner Or Later .

Start from the beginning

"Hey Mom ."

"Taylor! I missed you so much! Why havnt you answered your phone? And whos phone is this?"

"Uh this is Harry's Phone . I want to come home for a while ." I said .

"Oh Ok . Thats fine . When?"

"As soon as possible ."

"Uh well i know in the morning at like 9 , a plane from there is coming here ."

"Thats good enough . I need tickets though ."

"Ill get you some and ill mail them to you ." 

"Okay . It just to stressed out over here ."

"Thats fine . We will talk about it when you get here . The tickets are verry expensive so i hope you stay for a long while ."

"Mom . I pretty sure ill end up not going back there ." I said with some tears falling from my eye .

"Ok Ill email the tickets . Print them out or save them somewhere and pack up . The flight leaves at 10:30 ."

"Ok Mom . Thank you . I Love you and see you sometime tomorrow ." I said hangin up after she said 'I love you too Honey ' Back . I grabbed some bags and threw some of my clothes in there . I left Like 2 shirts , and 2 pair of pants that i didnt really care for just in case . I sat them in the corner of the room and got in the shower . I got out and got dressed in some of Harrys basket ball shorts and a white shirt that says "Harry Loves (<3) Louis" On it and went to bed .

The next morning i hoped to be by Harry but i wasnt . I got up and it was already 8:00 . I ot up and checked all the bedrooms and no one was home yet . I knew they had some kind of One Night Stand or something . I grabbed Harry's phone and typed a message to hiself so when he opens his phone there will be a note from me to him . The note read :

'Dear Harry . I have been living here for like a month and its just not working out . right now . I need some time with family back home . You acted like you were so nice and was there for me the 2 weeks i was knew . But then you just dont act like the Harry i knew . Im sorry . I reallt dont believe you are inlove with me . I honestly think you are saying that just to hurt me even more . Becasue its working . I thought you were gonna be there for me when i was still recovering from the whole Alex thing . You werent there for me . You hurt me more . Not on the outside but in my heart . Im sorry . Im getting a knew phone when i get home . Same number and everything . Text me if you want to talk to me about this . Bye .'

Some things are easier texting/writting to people instead of telling the,m face to face . I would have never got the gut to say that infront of him . it would hurt me . I grabbed my old phone from Nialls room , grabbed my phone , and grabbed the 3 bags of my things . I wanted to keep a few items from hre so i kept the shirt and shorts . I walked to the front door and sat my things down . I took a look around the house one last time before i left .

"Bye house . Ill miss you . But you can keep the memories ." I said to myself starting to cry . I grabbed my things me got a txi to the airport . The airport was literally like 20 minutes away . We got to the airport and i payed the guy my 20 dollars that i had left . That was literally all my money i had . I walked in the sirport and sat my things in a ben that it to the plane i was goign to . They were already putting people on so i gave one of the ladies my ticket and she loaded me on . I really didnt want to leave , But all this drama was to much . I as gonna come back some day but just not for a while . The plane took off and the person that was in the front started to talk through the microphone .

"Please fasten your seat belts . This plane has taken off ." They said . I curled up in a ball and tried to turn my phone on . It worked! I thought it had broken from me throwing it but i guess all it did was put a little crack in the screen . I had gotten 3 texts from Harry just from the message i left him on his phone . I opened them and read them .

You Are My Summer Love . (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now