Breathe In, Breathe Out

Start from the beginning

His fingers spank me lightly, making me jump and let out a moan. I can feel his breath against my skin as his hand slides to my hip before leaving it to smack me on my ass in the exact same spot as he did before. I let out a small yelp as the sting starts to radiate through my body.

I hear him groan which nearly sends me over the edge before his hands are leaving my body. I slightly turn my head to see that he's disposed of his shirt and he's unbuttoning his pants, sliding them down. I turn my head back to rest my forehead against the wall.

I jolt when I feel his skin against mine as he begins to circle his hips against me. I turn my head back to the side.

"You fucking wanted this, Elle. So you're going to take it." Kai whispers. I see Kai's fingers wrap around his length before I suddenly feel him at my entrance.

I'm almost panting.

He lets out a grunt as he suddenly thrusts his hips forward, giving me zero warning.

"Fuck." I whisper under my breath as he continues to push his hips forward. His hand comes to my hair, tangling in it and tilting my head back.


I feel like I'm doing fucking acrobatics.

I let out a small grunt as Kai pulls at the roots of my hair. I feel him lean towards me.

"What's wrong? I thought you said you could handle this, baby. Don't overestimate yourself next time, yeah?" Kai whispers against the side of my face. My mouth starts to hang open as he keeps a tight grip on my hair.

"You said you could handle this, Elle?" He taunts. "Fucking prove it then."

It's the last thing I hear before his hips snap back and slam into me continuously. There's nothing soft about it.

Not one thing.

I get pushed even harder into the wall as Kai continues to fuck me like I'm nothing.

Fuck, it feels so good, though.

And he's definitely getting me back for everything I did to him today.

Kai's forehead rests against my shoulder as he releases his grip on my hair, his hand sliding down to wrap around the front of my hips, his nails digging into my skin to keep a hold on me. He begins to drive into me even harder, literally knocking the breath out of my lungs.

"Take it, angel. Fucking take it." Kai snaps, a struggling moan leaving his mouth. I can hear as his breathing becomes heavier against my shoulder.

I can't even answer as he continues to pound into me, our moans mixing together. Kai's hand releases my wrists, and I immediately put my hands on the wall to try and keep myself from falling down. His head moves to my neck, and I feel his teeth sink into me as his thrusts stay in sync.

The feeling is mixing with everything else, and I just can't hold my moans in. I feel Kai pull away, and he rests his forehead back on my shoulder. His hand suddenly slams against the wall right next to my head.

"Fuck." I hear him whisper very quietly.

He angles my hips farther up, and he drives further into me which I didn't even think was possible. His hand drops from the wall, and then I suddenly feel it against my nerves making me jump again. His cold rings make me shudder as he flicks his fingers against me, making me clench around him.

"You're fucking loving this," Kai whispers. "You little fucking whore."

I can't stop the moan as the words come out of his mouth. He knows how much I love when he calls me that.

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