37. Have fun

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Owen POV

My whole body shook as I bent over the counter in Knox's bathroom. Both his and my moans filled the room as we came for the third time. Knox sloppily thrusted letting us come down from our highs. My mouth and throat were dryer than the Sahara desert making it harder to catch my breath.

"Oh fuck baby, we need to stop with all this sex. It's driving me crazy." Knox mumbled breathily.

"Hmm." I nodded in agreement with him. It seems like all we do is have sex, cuddle, go to school repeat.

"Let's shower. We're going to Callum's for drinks." He stated.

"What if I don't want to go?" I frowned, really not wanting to go because of how they all treated me in school.

"Then we'll stay home, go to your house. We could go on a date. We haven't been on one for a while." He smirked a little.

"Knox, I don't want to be that boyfriend who stops his partner from going out. I wouldn't like it, I don't want to make you feel like you can't go to parties or have some time with your friends." I sighed.

"Owen, you're my best friend, my boyfriend, lover. I don't care about any of them, not after how they treated you. If it means I stop going to parties then I won't go. I just want to see you smile like I've always wanted." He stated.

"And I want that to. But I don't want to be too clingy and stop you from doing your own thing. If you want to go, go and have fun. I'll go hang out with Tristan for a bit, I feel like I've been neglecting him." I smiled a little.

"Are you sure? We can go out for dinner, bring Tris and your family as well. I'll see if my mum has the night off and she can come as well. My treat." Knox said as he ran his hands up and down my arms, pulling me to his chest.

"It's ok. Go have fun, I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe later tonight when you're drunk and can't get home." I laughed.

"The last time I did that we kissed." He smirked.

"You don't have to be drunk to kiss me." I smiled, standing on my toes to reach his lips. A slow, passionate kiss formed. Not rushed or a kiss that would lead to sex, but a kiss that shows that we love each other. Not only to us, but to anyone who would see it.

"That was amazing." Knox mumbled to himself.

"Yeah." I whispered leaning into his chest. Knox wrapped his arms around me as I laid my cheek on his bare chest. He pulled me over to the bath where he started filling it up with bubbles, then went back to hugging me as we waited for the tub to fill.

"I love you." Knox smiled as he pulled me to his chest. We stood outside my house, Knox wanted to walk me home before he went to Callum's. I told him I'd be fine, but of course the stubborn man didn't want me walking on my own.

"I love you to." I smiled back at my boyfriend. Knox leaned down and kissed me like he did when we were in his bathroom. Slow and passionate. It's kisses like this that make me weak, it turns me into jelly at his feet.

"Go before I go in with you." He told me.

"Ok. Have a good time." I gave him a small smile.

"I'll never have a good time without you." Knox pouted.

Gagging sounded making me look, only to see my mum, dad and younger siblings there. Tristan was fake gagging along with me dad obviously hearing what Knox said. I rolled my eyes and stuck my middle finger up to them.

"I think I'm actually going to throw up." Tristan whined.

"Same." My dad groaned.

"I seriously think Nikah and Alaric are more mature than you two." I rolled my eyes again.

"Don't be horrible, Xavier." My mum glared at him. "Imagine what Memphis would say if he heard you say that."

"I don't want to." My dad shuddered at the thought of being told off my my great abuelo.

"Exactly. Now let's leave them to it." She stated. "Fucking kid." She mumbled under her breath, something my mum always does when my dad wants to act like a teenager not 41. I laughed as my family went inside the house leaving me and Knox to ourselves.

"I love your dad. He's so funny." Knox chuckled.

"I swear he's a teenager." I laughed not being able to hold it back.

"I know, but he's got good intentions. I'll see you tomorrow or later tonight. I love you." His smile faltered a little.

"Yeah, I'll see you later, have fun. I love you." I replied. We kissed each other again and he left. I waited until he was out of sight before going into the house. I huffed while taking off my shoes and hanging my coat and jacket up. What do I do now?

I've never had a night without Knox, not for a long time. Now I have no clue what to do with myself.

A/N: Sorry for the wait. If I'm being honest I forgot, I was working on my other book Theo and now my new one Unrequited. Maybe another today or tomorrow.

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