11. I don't know what to do

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Owen POV

While Knox laid his head on my lap my fingers ran through his hair. The softness of it made it easy for me to run my hand through it, the blonde locks hiding my fingers momentarily before being dragged back out. Before i knew it, Knox's soft snores filled the room as well as the quiet voices from the tv.

I laid my head back lost in thought, thinking about Knox... the kiss. I wanted to ask him if he remembered it, but he would have brought it up if we did. And because he didn't, i gathered he was too drunk to even remember it, both high and drunk so of course he wouldn't remember it.

Just the thought of him no remembering made my heart sink with hurt and disappointment i don't know why. Tears formed threatening to fall at the conclusion of why it hurt. I didn't want it to be true, but it is and that's something i have to keep to myself.

A knock at the door broke me from my thoughts making me look to see Knox's mum coming in. A huge smile broke out on her face when she saw me, she didn't hesitate to come over, sit on the bed and hug me being careful of her sleeping son.

"How are you mi hijo?" She whispered. (my son)

"G-good. W-well been b-better but whatever." I shrugged. My hand going back to play with Knox's blonde curls.

"Que paso? Is it something Knox did?" (What happened)

I w-want to say n-no b-but i can't. And i-i want to say what h-happened but i can't." I told her with a few tears rolling down my cheeks. Valerie wiped my cheeks and laid my head on her shoulder while i still ran my fingers through her sons hair.

"It's okay mi hijo. You tell me in your own time, some things are better not said too early, huh?" She kiss the top of my head.

"Si, pero no se que hacer." I let out a small sob. (yes, but i don't know what to do)

"If it's making you cry mi hijo you must tell someone you trust. You have me and loads of people that you can go to. That includes Knox as well, but if it's about him then maybe don't go to him." She laughed a little making me smile through the tears.

"Don't let it get to you too much, okay? And if it bothers you this much then tell someone." She added.

"Thank y-you Valerie." I whispered, my voice cracking a little.

"No problem mi hijo." She smiled and stood up and walked to the door. "Me gusta cuando hablas espanol, suenas seguro y no tartamudeas." Valerie said then walked off closing the door behind her. (i like it when you speak spanish you sound so confident and don't stutter)

I smiled knowing she was right. There's only a handful of people that can speak Spanish which is my family, Knox and Valerie seeing as they came over from Zaragoza when Valerie was pregnant with Knox. Even though my family didn't move from Spain there is spanish blood in us from my great great abuela Martha who sadly passed a few years ago.

After a while, Knox woke up lifting his head from my lap. He sleepily looked at me with a smiled and rubbed his eyes yawning. Once again he laid his head on my lap moving his hand around the bed. He grabbed my hand once he felt it and put it on his head where i laughed a little and ran my fingers through it again.

"That feels good." Knox mumbled sleepily. 

"Yeah." I whispered. "Should w-we order food i-instead of cooking? Y-you seem really t-tired." I asked him.

"Yeah, want to order in or go out?" He turned over to look at me, making sure i still ran my fingers through his hair.

"I-I don't mind. E-either w-way i need to go t-to get money f-from m-my dad." I stated.

"You don't need any. I'll get it it's not a problem." Knox smiled a little closing his eyes and pressing his face in my stomach.

"Y-you're a weirdo." I laughed.

"You love me." He shouted but it came out muffled then proceeded to blow a raspberry making me laugh harder from it tickling. In the end i was laid on the bed with Knox on top of my,  his knees gently on my hands to stop me from getting away from him.

My laughter filled the room getting the attention of Valerie making her come into the room with a smile on her face. "What are you boys doing?" She asked us causing Knox to stop his tickle attack.

"T-this big baby s-started t-tickling me." I breathed out. Knox rolled his eyes and fell on top of me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. He fell on to the bed bringing me with him so i ended up laying on his chest.

"I've got to go to my shift now. Do you boys need any money for food?" Valerie smiled at mine and her sons interactions.

"It's all good mum, i've got money for some dinner tonight." Knox told her.

"Alright. Be good Knox and don't stay up too late. I'll see you both tomorrow maybe." She came up to us giving us both a hug and a kiss on the cheek before going leaving.

"What should we have for dinner? I was thinking maccies or we could have Chinese, Indian or we could go up the hill for a burger and chips." Knox asked me.

"I-If we go up the h-hill, w-we are going f-for a-a walk." I told him while placing my chin on his chest.

"Alright, let's go!"

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