8. Are you sure

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Owen POV

When i woke up i had arms wrapped tightly around me with my cheek against a warm chest. I opened my eyes to a still sleeping Knox. His cheeks a little pink which always happens while he's asleep, his tan skin dark compared to my pale complexion, the long eyelashes casting a glow over his cheeks from the rising sun.

When i turned to look at my clock i saw that it was only 7:48am. My eyes widened as i quickly ripped myself from Knox's arms waking him up at the same time.

"What are you doing? It's so early." He whined.

"Knox get up. W-we're going to be l-late t-to school." I told him going into the wardrobe and throwing clothes at him then getting some for myself.

He quickly got up and took off his pyjamas and slipping on his clothes while i did the same thing. So much for wanting a shower this morning, oh well i'm sure i'll live. Once dressed, Knox and i quickly brushed our teeth pushing each other away from the sink just to annoy one another. After ten minutes of rushing around, we were speed walking to school after saying goodbye to my parents and the twins.

"Why didn't we ask if your dad could take us to school in the car it would be so much easier?" Knox breathed out.

"It's not t-that long of a w-walk Knox." I rolled my eyes.

"Besides, w-we g-got ready in ten minutes so we h-have enough time."

Soon enough we got to the building as the bell rang. With everyone else we went to our first class of the day, History. I love the subject, but the teacher is a massive bitch who likes to call me out on stuff. She always picks on me and when i'm not paying attention i get a detention. After i'm caught daydreaming i get asked a question which i get right and called a smart arse for. All the while Knox is laughing at me and also gets a detention because he's annoying as fuck, in the teachers words not mine... maybe.

"Let's go DT buddy." Knox nudges me with his elbow as we walk into the classroom. Mrs Whitaker watched Knox and i walk into the class and sit at the back in our normal seats. And like always i looked out of the window getting pissed off by the way the bitch was glaring at me.

"She's looking at you, Owen." Knox chuckled in my ear.

"No s-shit." I glared at him. "Mrs Whitaker s-stop s-staring at m-me." I then glared at the teacher. All the students that were in the room started lowly laughing as me and the bitch had a glaring competition.

"Don't come into my class late then." She scoffed.

"W-we got here on t-time. Y-you can't j-just say when we are l-late or not because you don't like us. A-and t-teachers say us s-students are arseholes." I spat out, well ish with this damn stutter it's hard to say anything rude or intimidating.

"Are you talking back to me?" She sent me a mean glare. I wanted to shrink in my seat like i always do but today i give up, i'm tired and i just want to go home.

"T-that's how a c-conversation works i-isn't it? Or d-do you only know h-history?" I shot back making Knox burst out laughing.

"Both of you detention after school. Get out of my classroom." Mrs Whitaker shouted. Knox and i got up and left not wanting to deal with the bitch anymore. In the end we spent an two hours wondering around the school since it was a double lesson of history.

"Who knew my little Owen had it in him to talk back to a teacher?" Knox laughed.

"I-I'm tired and i've g-given up with her b-bullshit." I shrugged. Usually we walk around the school for being kicked out because i daydream, but today's different clearly. But we all have that one teacher who is a complete arsehole and one that is your favourite. For me the arsehole is Mrs Whitaker and my favourite teacher is the one and only Mr Memphis Jones.

"Owen what are you doing out of lesson? And you Knox as well?" I heard behind me. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Mrs Whitaker kicked us out. You should have seen this one Memphis, he was a fucking legend in there." Knox laughed. Abuelo rolled his eyes and shook his head with an amused smile.

"Go sit in my room. I have first and second period free. Go sit in there so you don't get in anymore trouble." He told us. Knox and i nodded and went to my great abuelo's classroom seeing my great grandpa teaching his art lesson to Tristan.

We both walked into the empty classroom and sat down going on our phones and putting music on from abuelo's laptop.

There's a party tomorrow night, wanna go?" Knox asked me.

"I-I don't feel like it. M-maybe i'll go depends on h-how i'm feeling." I told him.

"Okay. We can go to the cinema again. Maybe the arcade if you want." He looked at me.

"N-no." I shook my head. "Y-you g-go. Have f-fun with Gina and everyone else." I smiled a little.

"Are you sure? I don't mind missing a party every now and then so we can hang out. We can hang out at the arcade, get McDonalds and stuff our faces with junk food for the night. And if you don't want to go out we can have a sleepover like old times and watch a bunch of films at mine or your house. You know how much my mum loves you so she might join in as well before she does the night shift at the hospital." Knox said.

"Knox it's o-okay. Really, i don't want to ruin your party and h-hanging around with y-your other friends and girlfriend. I'll p-probably re-watch Grimm or something." I told him.

"Only if you're sure." He smiled a little. "If you get bored or something just call me and i'll come running." He laughed.

"I-I know you will." I giggled with him.

Owen and Knox Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora