15. I have something to tell you

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Owen POV

It's been two days since i came out to my abuelo and i've been thinking who the next person i should tell, and the first person that came to mind was Tristan. Other than Knox, Tristan has been my ride or die, he's been the only other person i tell everything to and he tells me everything about him to.

Since we had school i decided to tell him after so he would have some more time to process it without people bothering him. Once again i avoided Knox by sitting in the library away from my usual spot where i saw him come in and look there. I felt bad but i can't have him hate me, it would break me more than Marley dying in Marley and me, that shit really messed me up.

After school, i was sat in my egg swing reading curled up. It's like a safety thing when i do this and have been doing it since i got the swing when i was seven. My mum and dad were wary at first getting me it then uncle Finn said that it might me good for me getting agreements from the rest of my aunts and uncles.

It was already 7:00pm, which i've been putting it of for ages. So i forced myself out of the swing and to Tristan's room in the attic. For some reason when he was six he wanted his room in the attic so my mum and dad let him so all of us kids could have our own rooms. I pulled down the steps and went up to see him on his bed on his phone with a lamp on, on his bedside table.

"Alright?" Tristan put his phone down and looked at me. I pulled up the stairs closing the 'door' so if anyone walked past they wouldn't hear me.

"Uh, y-yeah i guess. I-I j-just have something to t-tell y-you." I told him while playing with my hands, not making eye contact.

"Sit down and tell me. I don't like it when you stand up." He chuckled. I sat down on his bed still playing with my hands that were covered by the sleeves of the biggest jumper i owned. 

"What do you have to tell me?" Tristan asked after i was silent for a few minutes. 

"Um, I-I'm g-gay." I whispered. 

A soft smile came on to her lips as well as it showing in his eyes. "I know. Known for a while." He stated.  

"H-how?" I frowned a little. 

"The way you act." He shrugged. "They way you dress, just little things i've noticed over the last couple years." 

"A-and you don't h-hate m-me?" I asked with tears forming and rolling down my cheeks. 

"Why the fuck would you think that? Huh? You're my brother Owen, there is nothing in this world that you could do to make me hate you. Who have you told so far?" Tristan rolled his eyes at my stupid question. 

"Abuelo Memphis and you, that's it. I-I'm going to tell m-mum and d-dad soon though." I replied. 

"And Knox?" 

"I-I've been avoiding him. H-his o-other friends are p-pretty h-homophobic s-so i'm scared t-to t-tell him." I explained. 

"If they say anything to you tell me. I'm not having anyone being homophobic to my brother. And when you're out fully we'll celebrate with a coming out party. We'll have pride flags, rainbow cakes and a banner that says Owen is gay and proud." Tristan said making me laugh. "It's ok, O. I don't care what you do as long as i get to see that smile on your face." 

"Thank y-you Tris." I smiled at him through the tears that fell. "How's you a-and L-Lola anyway?"

"We're good." He told me looking down. I could see his red cheeks meaning they were more than good. 

"J-just g-good?" I teased him making his cheeks turn a darker shade of red. 

"Yeah. Well i mean i took her out on the date, and i kissed her." He looked at me. 

"My b-baby brother is a-all g-grown up. T-this is where y-you l-lose your virginity before m-me isn't i-it." I laughed at his flushed face.

"Nah. I wouldn't do that to Lola. I doubt she's even thought about it. I haven't even asked her out yet and i kissed her. I just hope she hasn't told Tessa or Aaron." He sighed. 

"H-how come you haven't a-asked h-her out yet? G-get on the phone and d-do it. I-i'll be here for m-moral s-support or i can l-leave if you want me t-to." I smiled softy at him. 

"No, stay let's see if i need a shoulder to cry on or not." Tristan laughed nervously. He picked up his phone and started calling her. After the third ring, she answered with a breathy hello. 

"Hey, is this a bad time? You sound out of breath." Tristan frowned a little. 

"No, no it's all good. I was eating a snack so i had to run up the stairs and i tripped." Lola laughed nervously. 

"Alright. Well i just wanted to ask you something." He told her. 

"What may that be?" She asked. 

"Well, would you, fuck this is more difficult than i thought." He groaned. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He spat out holding his breath  waiting for the answer. 

"O-oh. Uhm, y-yes." Lola squeaked out. With that i quietly left the room letting Tristan do his owe thing. 

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