9. I love you

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Owen POV

While Knox was at the party, i stayed at home watching Grimm, if i'm being honest Nick is hot. So here i was, half way through season one at 2:00am bored. I didn't want to pull Knox from the party because i know he likes being there, he enjoys it and what friend would i be if i took that away from him.

I know he told me to call him if i ever got bored but i didn't want to be a bad friend then get comments on Monday from all his friends. So here i was on a Friday... well Saturday morning watching Grimm while eating the sweets Knox left from the cinema.

Around half an hour later, my phone started ringing, coming up with Knox's name and the goofiest picture i had taken of him a few years ago.

"Owen." Knox slurred down the phone making it known that he had more to drink than he usually does. "I-I need you." He hiccupped. "Can you come and get me? I-I'm seeing three of everything and i need you."

"What h-happened to your DD?" I asked him knowing he took one of the others older brothers who can drive.

"He p-passed out. Owen come get me, I need you baby boy, please?" He cried down the phone.

"Yeah. Send me t-the address and I-I'll be there s-soon." I told him. He gave me the address to the party, Gina's house and left the my house in my pyjamas. I got in my dads car since i learned how to drive from my aunt Liana since she was bored.

Soon enough i got to the crowded house. The music thumped with people shouting as i got closer to the house. I found Knox wondering outside looking like a lost puppy. I called his name to which he looked over at me with a sleepy smile. His eyes were read and he swayed when he walked letting me know he was pissed and high as a kite.

"Owen, is that you?" He slurred out.

"Yeah i-it's me. Come on i g-got my dads car. Let me t-take you h-home." I told him. Knox nodded and put his arm around my shoulders leaning most of his weight on me. I struggled to get the heffalump to the car since he was taller and way more muscular than me. But with great difficulty, i managed to get him to lay in the back seat of my dads car.

"Owen i don't want to go home. T-take me to your house please." Knox demanded from the back. I sighed but complied nonetheless and went straight to my house. Once again i parked the car in front of the house and pulled Knox out with all the strength i could muster up. After ten minutes of struggling to get Knox out of the car, i finally got him out and into the house with no problem.

We both went to my room where i gave Knox some of his pyjamas while i went and got him a glass of water to at least sober him up a little bit. Once i came back to my room Knox was stood in the middle of my room naked with a huge grin on his face.

"Knox g-get d-dressed." I told him holding out his pyjama bottoms.

"I love you Owen. Give me a kiss." He grabbed me by the waist and crashed his lips to mine. The taste of alcohol was still there making me pull away remembering how drunk he really is.

"Y-you're drunk Knox. Get o-on the bed and s-sleep." I said sternly.

"No Owen i don't want to. I want you to kiss me." He puckered his lips to me pulling me in by my hips again.

"Knox you're drunk. S-stop it n-now." I pushed him away from me.

"I love you though. D-don't you love me?" Knox whined.

"Yeah Knox i love you." I rolled my eyes just to get him dressed and sleeping.

"If you love me then you'll kiss me." He pouted like a child, god what did i get myself into?

"If i k-kiss you w-will you put these on a-and go to sleep?" I asked him.

"Pinkly promise." He smiled.

"Knox i-it's pinky not p-pinkly." I laughed at him.

"Oh. I still pinkly promise though." He laughed.

"Get these on t-then and get into b-bed." I gave him the pyjamas. Knox put them on and laid down on my bed pulling the covers over him.

"What about my kiss?" He slurred out with a whine. I sighed and kissed his cheek before laying down in my bed. "Give me another one. Right here." He tapped his cheek.

With another sigh i leaned over to kiss his cheek, but before i could, Knox turned his head and crashed his lips to mine again. He held my cheek with his other hand pulling me closer to him. I stilled with my eyes wide open feeling Knox kiss me. After a few seconds my eyes fluttered and closed as i melted into the kiss and kissed back.

Knox let out a noise of approval and pushed me down on to the bed hovering over me. I let out a small, quiet moan as Knox laid between my legs pushing his hips to mine. As i moaned he let out a grunt but not once did he stop kissing me. He pinched my hip making me gasp so he could slip his tongue into my mouth.

After a few seconds, i pulled away breathing heavily. Knox looked down at me with hooded eyes yet i could still see the lust and desire.

"Knox y-you're d-drunk. G-go to s-sleep." I breathed out. He sleepily nodded, pecked my lips once more before getting off me and laying down. He pulled me to his chest so my back was to him so he could nuzzle his face in the crook of my neck.

After that, his snores filled my ears while i stayed awake thinking about that kiss. It all filled my head, confusing me to no end. But he was drunk, so drunk he wont even remember this in the morning. It was a drunk kiss...

That's all it was.

Owen and Knox Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin