24. Long night then

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Owen POV

When i woke up, i had my cheek on Knox's chest. His shallow breaths came and went as i stared at him. I raised my hand and placed it on his cheek, the innocence on his face made me fall even more.

I slowly got out of the bed, careful not to wake Knox and got dressed. I slipped on my jeans and one of his T-shirt's that I had claimed when he got it. That day he got his one and my one of the same T-shirt so we would have the same one, yeah I wear his one most of the time I'm here.

Quietly, I left his bedroom only to come face to face with his mum. I let out a small squeak as I looked up at my second mother.

"Hello Owen. Nice to see you." Valerie smiled but I could tell she wanted to smirk.

"Y-yes. H-hello to you t-to." I smiled sheepishly.

"How did the talk go?" She asked as we walked to the kitchen.

"G-good. H-he said that h-he's with G-Gina and I-is h-happy. B-but m-me liking him changes n-nothing between us." I lied. What? I can't just tell her that I had sex with her son the night before.

"Why are you lying to me Owen?" Valerie smiled at me.

"I-I'm n-not." I said immediately. Only to have her smile wider. She does that when she knows I'm lying, because I seem to answer people really quickly when I'm lying.

"Ok." Valerie shrugged as she started making me a hot chocolate. After a few minutes she passed me a cup with the steamy chocolatey goodness in it. I took a small sip then let my finger go around the top of the cup.

"Spill." Valerie said as she sat next to me with a cup of her own.

"W-what?" I looked at her with confusion on my face.

"You have that look on your face. The one that says you have something to say but instead you'll keep it bottled up. So spill." She stated.

"T-there is nothing." I lied, not looking at her at all. My eyes staying on my finger as it ran around the top of the cup.

"Owen." Valerie said sternly but in that motherly way. You know the way  a mother would say it just so she could know the problem then comfort you, kind of in that way.

"I-I lost my virginity last n-night." I whispered with a shrug.

When i looked up at her she had confusion on her face. A few seconds later she smiled and pulled me in for a hug. While Valerie was having a small party i had my head on her chest with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Que esta mal mi hijo?" Valerie held me by my shoulders obviously hearing me cry. (What's wrong my son)

"Nada." I sniffled and wiped my eyes. (nothing)

"Don't lie to me Owen. What's wrong?" Valerie asked me in that same stern motherly way.

"I-I s-shouldn't have d-done i-it." I mumbled, mostly to myself.

"Por que?" She frowned a little. (why)

"Quiero lo que no puedo tener." I shrugged. "Acabo de empeorar las cosas durmiendo con el." (I want what i can't have. I've made it worse by sleeping with him)

"No." Valerie pulled me in for another hug.  "You haven't done anything."

After a while of crying to Valerie, i went home before Knox woke up. I know, dick move but i can't face him. Not while i want him now more than ever. Giving my innocence to him was wrong of me, i shouldn't have done that because it only makes me want him even more.

But I can't have Knox, he's with Gina while I'm just the annoying best friend. Walking home I was lost in my head, I didn't even realise I got back to my house. With a sigh, I walked in and up to my room ignoring all the questions thrown at me by my family.

I got to my room and slipped off my shoes and jeans before climbing into my bed. A knock came at my door, it opened to Tristan. He came in and sat down on my egg swing so we were facing each other.

"What happened?" He asked me.

"I-I told Knox I l-like him." I sighed.

"Then what happened?"

"Tristan I w-want to b-be alone. G-go away." I whined.

"What's up? You never want to be alone." Tristan laughed a little.

"I'm s-sore. L-leave m-me alone." I grumbled.

"Why are you so-, oh my god!" He yelled. "Owen, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"D-depends." I laughed at my brother.

"You lost your v-card to Knox?" Tristan smiled.

I nodded, my cheeks heating up so I knew I was blushing hard. Tristan smirked and I knew something was coming.

"Was it good?" Told you.

Once again I nodded and hid my face in my pillow. I felt Tristan sit on my bed and put his hand on my shoulder.

"So did I." He mumbled.

"What?" I sat up quickly and looked at him.

"Yeah." He nodded. "Last week."

"W-with Lola?" I asked.

"No." Tristan sighed. "I feel like a dick. But I wanted to be experienced when I do it with Lola. I just don't know if I should tell her or not."

"T-tris you have to t-tell her." I sighed. "M-maybe it will be o-ok."

"I don't know." He frowned a little. "Maybe I will. So how did it go with you and Knox?"

"I-it w-was good." I smiled in embarrassment with my cheeks going red again.

"Just good?" He smirked. 

"It was, d-different. A g-good d-different i g-guess." I hid my face in my pillow again. "A-and you w-with whoever?" 

"It was shit." Tristan shook his head. "She came and didn't let me. It was horrible, definitely should have gone to someone else or just asked Lola and see what she would say." 

"Tris y-you're fourteen." I sighed. "I'm s-sure y-you could have w-waited another year o-or so. Lola l-looks more than w-willing to wait." 

"I know." He hung his head. "I thought it would help if i was experienced then she would trust me more. But it's eating me up, i feel so guilty and i'm scared to tell her in case she breaks up with me." 

"I-I'm sure it w-will be f-fine. J-just tell her i-in your own t-time." I sat up and hugged him. 

"Did Knox take care of you?" Tristan changed the subject. 

"He, he d-didn't know what to d-do s-so i h-had to, you know." I blushed more and looked away. 

"Do all the work? Ride him?" He teased me like the arsehole he is. 

"I-if t-that's how you want to s-say it." 

"You darling brother are one kinky mother fucker." He laughed. 

"Shut up!" I whined. "Y-you c-can't say much. I-I b-bet you d-did everything that girl w-wanted you to." I laughed. 

"Yeah." Tristan rolled his eyes. "believe it or not but i left straight after." 

"N-not as b-bad bas me l-leaving b-before he woke up." I sighed. 

"Oh Owen. That's really bad." He laughed. "Was it like a one night stand to see if it was just lust or what?" 

"No." I shook my head. "I-It kind of h-happened. He was close t-to giving me a b-blowjob but you r-rang him." I admitted. 

"Oh shit. Well i was not expecting that." He smirked. 

"W-whatever. G-get out now, i'm t-tired." I told him. 

"Long night then?" Tristan laughed as he walked out of my room. I rolled my eyes ignoring the laughter of my brother leaving my room. With that, i closed my eyes falling into a peacful slumber. 

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