Eventually the man uncrossed his arms, "I will come with you."

Well shit.

Thomas supposed that was as good as it was going to get, so he nodded and continued down the hallway followed closely behind by Mr. Meat head. He headed in the general direction of where he saw them bring Sunny from hoping that this would seem like a good direction to go by Mr. Beefcake. But, no such luck.

"His rooms are I the other direction" The man said.

He had a very, very deep voice, unusually so, a voice that made it sound like he could crush boulders with his biceps.

Thomas paused, "Well I.... actually."

The man's eyes began to narrow.

Thomas set Noctus on the ground knowing that he had been had. He was going to have to fight this guy. He looked up the remaining six inches and grimaced. Thomas was..... not a fighter. Sure he was a marine and all and he had been in a few scrapes in his lifetime. He even had some training, but he just didn't'[t have the instincts for it. He overthought things too much and his predictions about the other person's movements always seemed to be off.

However, his prediction in this case was going to have to be..... getting punched really, really hard in the head.

The man took a step forward, but stopped suddenly as a sharp clang and crack echoed around the chamber.

Thomas paused as he watched the man's eyes widen, and then roll back in his head as he pitched forward. Thomas had to dive out of the way to avoid being crushed and found himself on the ground next to Noctus's chair as he looked up, finding a cloaked figure standing overhead holding a silver Drev spear. It was a beautifully made weapon with intricate inlays, and built at a custom size to match the, very clearly human.

It was a custom job, and there was only one person who could make something like that that he knew of, and only one person who she would ever have given it to.

Adam pulled his hood back from his forehead and smiled, "Got yourself in a bit of hot water/"

Thomas grimaced, "Thanks."

Adam helped him back to his feet and looked down at the man lying on the floor, "Quick, before he wakes up and raises the alarm."

There was a pause, and Thomas tilted his head towards a nearby maintenance closet.

'Or we could...."

There was a pause between the two of them as their thought processes clicked into synch with each other.

Adam cracked his knuckles, and Noctus was left sitting high in the hallway while they dragged the big man over to the closet and shoved him inside, It probably looked like any scene from any kids movie where they attempted the same thing, limbs and fingers always getting in the way of the closing door until eventually they threw him in and shut the door very quickly, their backs to the wall. Adam broke a piece of pipe from the wall, wrenching it off using his spear like a lever and then bending the metal into place through the handle of the closet.

Thomas stared at him.

Adam turned to look ,"What?"

"nothing, we should go."

Adam nodded and helped to grab Noctus up off the floor carrying him on their shoulders like they had seen done before.

"I thought you had been captured." Thomas muttered, "They have soemthing in this place called like.... DNA surveillance or something...."

"No shit, really? That wasn't supposed to come out of development for another year."

Thomas shrugged, "it looks like someone got their hands on it earlier than anticipated."

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