They tried to move forward but the noise continued and only grew louder, as the human's private shower performance grew more and more intense.



Vexx collapsed to the floor dragging themself away from the door and down the hall with all the strength they could muster past the singing. Though the voice grew quieter, it was still present and the thrumming harmony was to much as Vexx slid down the stairs and eventually ended up seeking refuge in the basement where the dog wouldn't be likely to find them and the human's voice didn't reach. They lay on a sack of rice and stared up at the dark ceiling.

Foiled by a human singing in the shower.


The Kree had a bandaged foot and a good position in the nearest tree. This time he wasn't going to be stupid. The pellet gun had been a great idea, though it required close range and he had had no idea what he was getting into. He would have preferred up close measures, because he could have made that look like an accident, but this was going to have to do.

He tucked the rifle up against the crook of his wing and peered through the sights towards the house. If the Vrul just came in front of a window, he would be a goner. The Kree thought about shooting the stupid dog, who lay panting on the back porch, but thought better of it He just needed his target. Just one shot and he could retire and how own little moon for the rest of his life.

A shadow passed overhead.

The Kree looked up from his place in the top of the tree and noted a very small black dot circling in the sky overhead. It was one of those earth birds, so he simply turned his head back to front to look through the sites.

He could see the Vrul's signature through the house floating slowly down one set of stairs. There was a window here, and if he just got close enough....

His finger moved towards the trigger as the window came into line of sight, just one more second and.

A sharp shriek interrupted his train of thought, and he jolted upright, looking skyward as a massive shape descended from the sky.

The bald eagle stretched out it's talons and grabbed the kree by the shoulder and neck. Despite the Kree's height, his ability to fly made him very light, and the eagle was able to jerk him upwards out of the tree. It's massive wings beat hard as it pulled them both into the sky The Kree screamed and batted at the huge bird whose talons tug into his flesh.

The bird peck at him with it's sharply hooked beak tearing a chunk of feathers and flsh from his chest. He kicked and screamed some more prying at the talons that held him. The eagle dropped a few feet mid air screamed and dropped the kree, who opened his wings in order to glide safely towards the ground.

Unfortunately for him the eagle divebombed straight into his back and he lurched forward as talons raked his back.

A short ariel combat ensued before the Kree went crashing through the canopy of branches and then onto the forest floor, his fall broken by branches and mulched foliage. The bird landed in the top of the tree nearest and chirped a warning at the Kree before flying off.

The Kree lay there staring up at the sky as the monstrous animal flew away.


He had recovered from his failed attempt later that morning and was forced to languish in the basement for the rest of the day as the rest of the humans returned. They hid behind a sack of flower and plotted his revenge.

This was embarrassing.

No one had ever gotten past them like that, and no one ever would again. They were forced to wait until nightfall hiding behind a sack of flower as the humans went to bed one by one. They snuck out from behind the bag a moment later waiting quietly and staring at the top of the stairs were a small beam of moonlight crept in.

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