Oh, so this was a political thing. Someone was stirring the pot, making the citizens think and the council didn't like that.

"He has had the audacity to defy us on multiple occasions, and is now openly speaking outa against us. We have done our best to keep his propaganda out of the city, but there are agents working off world who are doing their best to spread those ideologies to the people. Factions of the city are beginning to radicalize against us, and with the humans as their guideline we have seen isolated incidents of protests through the streets. The rioters of course have all been terminated and dealt with, but we assume there are still those out there who are interested in spreading the word through the ranks of the common Vrul."

Another voice piped up, "Even the BETAS are getting it into their head that they deserve something more."

"ha! Betas getting ideas."

There was humming around the room, almost like laughter.

"Very presumptuous for Betas."

"So, is it the protestors, the agents or the source that you want dealt with.

"The source for sure. He has been a thorn in our side practically since birth. He gets too many.... Ideas.'

The Kree looked down and gently plucked at the feathers at his side, "If I remember correctly, Alphas are those of you that can form original and independent ideas.... It seems to me that this Vrul is probably the most intelligent Alpha that you have ever had, so why are you trying to kill him."

There was a shift through the ranks of the council.

One of them leaned forward, "We have spent thousands of years breeding the population to be more cooperative and docile for their own safety. We have taught them and done genetic modifications and inbred them specifically for the greater good of the Vrul. Generally when the old blood shows up, we try to eradicate it. This one slipped through the cracks, and now we have to deal with it.

Eugenics, these people were exciting weren't they.

"So, you're telling me you are intentionally growing Omegas and Deltas and betas and Alphas for your own purposes, and it wasn't always just like that?"

"The history of our people is not what the discussion is about. This is about the job we need you to do."

"You want me to kill him, and you want me to make it look like an accident?"

"You're smarter than you look."

He glanced over at the Vrul standing at his side.

"And who is this"

"This is Vexx, they will be coming with you on your mission."

The Kree's feathers ruffled and he glowered over at the council, "What, why. Do you not trust me to do my job?"

"We trust you to do your job insofar as you want the money we plan to offer you. However, if you fail, they will be there to pick up the pieces from you, and if they get the chance they will take the opportunity and do your job for you."

He glanced over at the small unassuming Vrul. It was just like the others, four limbs on top and on bottom, with one of those weird floating sack things and reflective prisms for eyes, in a sort of reddish color.

"doesn't look like much."

"Vexx is a Kappa, not much difference from an Alpha but with one key difference."

He tilted his head, "And what is that."

"The fear center of their brain has been artificially destroyed. The council always has at least one Kappa on hand for..... difficult problems."

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant