In the Arms of a Human

Start from the beginning

Lord Celex had threatened to atomize him before, but no one thought he would actually do it, after all he was only the second most powerful warlord that had ever existed, and the grand tradition of the Celzex had mostly involved a lot of posturing and threats thought it had never actually escalated into planetary violence.

He had gotten tired of his critics testing his honor, so he had taken his ship out and blown up the planet.

There was now a micro black hole in its place.

Sometimes he liked to look at it when he was feeling sad and remind himself of his past conquest.

Lord Celex lay off his thoughts of conquest for a moment and turned to lady Notrix, "What news?" He asked.

Someone would be monitoring the communications on his ship, just to make sure the GA hadn't called. He thought the GA was fun, he might have destroyed them if it wasn't for his great interest in their pursuits. Life was so much more interesting when he was working with them.

Also he liked Admiral Vir and his entourage, so he would never blow up anything they cared about, though that didn't mean he didn't like thinking about it.

Her voice was smooth and silky. She was beautiful in a creepy sort of way, and so was her voice.

"We are receiving strange reports of a forming weather formation in the east. It appears to be coming this way.

"Rain or Snow." He wondered. Both of those things were equally as damming to the celze. Rain because flooding could easily drown them, they could not swim and floating only lasted as long as the fur wasn't completely saturated. Once that was done, it was all over. Snow because the Celzex had no natural protection against the cold.

Their planet was rather tropical, and they didn't often experience the cold.

The fur actually helped to keep them cool more than it did to warm them up. It was strange like that, and clothing wasn't really an option. Adding any padding decreased the already limited mobility that they relied on.

"We are not sure yet, though we are sensing an area of low pressure. My prediction is rain, though snow is always an option."

He nodded his head slowly, "Very well , we will return to the ship until this blows over, and then continue our search of the planet."

Her Ears twitched in agreement.

"WE MARCH OUT!" He called, and his second lieutenant, who had just reached the top of the hill, gave a long suffering sort of huff before rolling into a ball to go tumbling down the hill. Lord Celex followed after tucking his feet up against his fur and pitching forward to go rolling down the hill. They may not have been very good when it came to going up, but they were very proficient at making their way down.

He came out of his roll in a graceful walk, and turned his head to the east where he could see dark grey storm clouds gathering. It seemed as if they were moving rather quickly, though he was sure they would have plenty of time to get back to the ship.

They walked in a fast march towards the ship, sometimes rolling, sometimes walking, and sometimes switching off between the two.

In retrospection, he blamed the brambles that forced them to take the long way around. Their fur would never allow them to go through such an annoying arrangement of flora, and by the time they had gone around, the wind was beginning to pick up. It was only a light breeze at first, tossing his fur and tousling his ears, but it escalated quickly into a full blown gale that swept them all to the side with a massive gust of wind.

He felt his feet leave the ground for a brief moment and then he was rolling across the open plane bouncing and careening wildly with the wind. With all his force of will, he caught one of the rocks with his feet gripping tightly as the others went rolling past screaming in surprise. He held on heroically tight with his head down against the wind which whipped at his face and ears.

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