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Qin Ke Xuan threw the bag she held at Yin Xu Dong, saying coldly: "Since you're not making your move, then I'll start." At that, she'd already gripped Lu Wan Ran's chin and very crudely pulled her from the man's hug; during which, she conveniently dislocated her lower jaw.

Lu Wan Ran wanted to scream from agony but could only make sobbing sounds. Qin Ke Xuan hauled her over to in front of her, her icy eyes staring into hers, her thin lips moved slightly: "Your mouth stinks. If you don't want to lose your jaw, remember to shut your stinky mouth in front of me next time."

The man rushed over to protect Lu Wan Ran. Qin Ke Xuan pushed Lu Wan Ran at the man, and he immediately asked Lu Wan Ran how she was feeling. Lu Wan Ran's tears ran down her face but she couldn't speak at all.

Yin Xu Dong neared Qin Ke Xuan's ear, asking softly: "How's she? Is it serious?" If they complain to the school, he was afraid that it might be of demerit to Xuan Xuan.

Qin Ke Xuan: "It's just a dislocated jaw, she won't die"

The man helped Lu Wan Ran stand up and walked over, raging, intending to send some slaps at Qin Ke Xuan. "You wretched brat! I'm going to kill you!"

Qin Ke Xuan raised her hand to meet his. Two fingers gripping one of his fingers, she bent it in the direction of the back of his palm. With a crack, his finger broke. The man cried out sharply and waved his other hand at Qin Ke Xuan. Qin Ke Xuan used the same method to break one of his fingers, saying in disdain: "Want me to break all your fingers?"

That man sure had some backbone though, and he raised his leg kicking at Qin Ke Xuan. Yin Xu Dong reacted very fast. He kicked the man's calf and Qin Ke Xuan's hands gripping him immediately released. With that, the man kneeled on one knee, cupping his calf in pain. The Lu Wan Ran upon seeing things were not turning out well cupped her jaw and wanted to run off was hauled back by Qin Ke Xuan by her collar and thrown to the ground before the man. She looked down on the two of them, saying to the man: "You, even if you want to force it and stand out, at least check if the woman you're standing up for is worth it. I'll give you a choice, go as far as you can go."

Yin Xu Dong wiped at his cold sweat, how was this called choice?

The man shot a complicated gaze at Lu Wan Ran, stood up, and limped away, not turning back regardless of how much feeble noise Lu Wan Ran was making.

Lu Wan Ran turned around and looked at Yin Xu Dong in resentment. If it weren't for him, all these stuff wouldn't have happened! He's already warped into such a disgusting sight and yet he still wanted to eat the swam*, and when he couldn't eat it he even got his mei mei to come set her up! And that wretched brat's moves were so vicious! She would definitely not let her go so easily!

* referencing to: 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉 = (lit.)toad wanting to eat swan meat; (fig.) an impossible dream/will never happen (i.e.: dream on)

Qin Ke Xuan raised her leg to kick at Lu Wan Ran's jaw. Lu Wan Ran held her jaw in pain. "Sob sob... I won't let you go! Aye?" She could speak again, seemed like Qin Ke Xuan's kicked fixed her dislocated jaw right back, but it was still very painful.

Qin Ke Xuan said coldly: "You better not appear before me next time, otherwise, I have more than enough ways for you to suffer so much you'll wish you were dead."

Yin Xu Dong tugged at Qin Ke Xuan's sleeve in anxiety, telling her discreetly: "We better go, I'm afraid some people may call the police." They were after all on a large street. If they were seen by others doing such things, and those people called the police, they would be invited to the police station to drink tea.

Just as they were about to go, they saw two policemen rushing towards them from far away. Qin Ke Xuan pulled Yin Xu Dong and ran. The two policemen chased them tightly very dedicatedly. Qin Ke Xuan was dragging a Yin Xu Dong and they were right before the mass' eyes, she could not use her qing gong. And so, as she ran and ran, then she suddenly halted her footsteps, turned and slipped into an alley. This alley was made up of only gaps between the buildings, so a wall blocked the end of the dead alley. The minute they turned into the alley, Qin Ke Xuan said to Yin Xu Dong: "Hold* on to me!"

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