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Amida couldn't help but feel happy.

She just met her younger sisters. And more surprisingly, they were twins too. Just like Auntie Emira and Uncle Edric.

"Ok, so you're Jour and you're Nuit." She said while pointing right to left.

"No, no, no!" Nuit whined.

"I'm Nuit! And she's Jour!" She corrected.

Amida meekly laughed trying to correct herself with it.

"Oh, ok, ok. She's Jour and you're Nuit, is that right now?" She asked while pointing left to right.

Nuit smiled nodding.

"It should be easy to tell us apart because Nuit is the younger one and I'm the older one." Jour laughed, assuring the eldest.

Amida meekly smiled nodding.

"If you say so... I hope we can all get along well?" She said while offering two hands.

The twins shook hands with her with smiles. They both seemed just as happy to see her.

"Well, I should go back to the party... Why are you two out here in the garden at night anyway?" Amida hummed after standing back up on both feet.

She finally realized just how short the twins were from her.

The top of their heads were at a close length of being just on her shoulder. She couldn't help herself smile at such an adoring feature.

"We're waiting for mom," Nuit said.

"Yeah, she said we can sleep with her tonight since we've already seen what we wanted from the party." Jour added.

Amida nodded in understanding.

"Wait, what did you two wanted to see from the party?" She said after shaking her head to clear her thoughts a bit.

The twins smiled and pointed at her.

"We wanted to see our big sister dance with mom! Even if it was just for a moment!" Nuit said.

Jour nodded in agreement with her.

"Yeah, you looked a little sad when Uncle Edric offered to be your first dance so we told mom to save you." She said.

Amida felt a trickle of sweat behind her neck.

Sad? Hate? Save?? Dance???

Was she just toyed by these two??

"Well, I did like the dance. In fact I was looking for her so I can have my first dance with her in Auntie Emira's birthday." She said.

The twins felt happy.

"Really!?" They exclaimed.

Amida couldn't do anything other than nod at this.

"Then, does that mean you'll stay here now and with Mami?" Nuit wondered.

Now Amida's tongue was definitely stolen by a cat now.



"Those three seem to be handling themselves well." Emira hummed.

Edric nodded.

"Yeah, I'm actually glad Amity swept in taking her hand before she could take mine." He said.

Emira chuckled at his remark.

"Really, huh?" She hummed before asking, "hey, Luz, what do you think? Doesn't Amida not like Ed as her Uncle?"

Edric perked up with a frown.

"Hey..!" He whined.

Emira laughed, she was messing with him.

"Luz?" She called after calming down.

Luz was fixated at the three interacting under the moonlight.

Emira couldn't help but stare at her in curiosity at such intensity to be staring directly at.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now