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Amity's POV;

We introduced Amida to the twins and they fell instantly in love with her.

"Omg, sis! She has your face! Aaww--"

"Look! She pouts just like you when you were little!"

They've been comparing my daughter to me for more than two hours now.

Luz smiled watching.

She seemed to enjoy watching other than asking them the resemblance she also has with her.

I don't really mind at all.

It's quite adorable to be precise.

Then I heard a sniffle.

I glanced over to see Edric already tearing up.

It made me sweat a bit in confusion and surprise.

"Ed! Don't cry! What are you even crying for??" Emira asked.

I took my hand away from my face and raised a brow.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

He sniffled nodding.

"I'm good," he said between a hiccup.

"I'm just so happy that I get to be an uncle before you even hit your thirties!" He wheezed trying to blow into a handkerchief.

I chuckled trying to hide the fact that I felt embarrassed with him acting like this.

He's always been emotional like this. It's not a bad thing, more so, it's quite amusing to have.

"Ed, knowing that this is now... A thing, I'd rather have the wedding earlier instead and have her birthday grand enough to have everyone in the Isles know about her." I said.

Emira perked up at me.

"But wouldn't that mean anyone bad would want to attack her?" She said.

"I know." I shrugged.

"That won't happen."

My attention was caught towards Luz just like the twins.

They probably were having weird looks towards her.

She smiled warmly and just said, "I promise to protect both my wife and children."

I felt a trickle of sweat behind my neck.

This little... I might've said I wanted another one later on when the time comes but I never said to share it with the twins!!


I mentally flinched when Emira muttered those words.


Oh, titans... Luz isn't backing down at all.

"That's brilliant!! How many nephews are we getting exactly!?"

My eyes widened in surprise when Edric said that.

They... They won't be mad..?

"You're planning more than one child? Are you getting a son?" Emira asked.

I meekly laughed.

"If we're lucky I suppose." I shrugged.

She smiled nodding before reaching through the blankets and down at Amida's face.

"I don't care if you get a second daughter or a son but I'd rather you two get some experience with raising a child first. I'll hire some personal maids and a nanny for little Amity here and we--"



"Her name is Amida Blight."

Luz, seriously. You're too blunt with everything now that we have a daughter.

There was a moment of silence before the twins came rushing with smiles at Luz.

"Really!? That is adorable! It rhymes with Amity's name! That's perfect!! More so, it's adorable!"

Luz was putting on a good show.

They'll start liking her as my wife for sure.


The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now