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Luz's POV;

"C'mon, Luz, we won't tell anyone."


"Yeah, Luz, I agree with Willow here and I even deleted the picture."

Big liars.

"As if that'd be something you two will do without getting paid..." I grumbled, crossing my arms, I laid back on the couch frowning.

Gus had a confused look on his face when he took a seat.

"What's going on with you?"

I huffed.

"You can't know, Gus, it's too private, it'd ruin her dignity even more."

At least... Boscha is trying.

I sighed before saying, "I don't have a complete sense of dignity anymore,"

Time to get to the point.

"Anyways, why are you here, Gus?" I asked.

He chippered up in his seat and handed me a letter.

Taking it, my eyes widened when I saw the seal on it.

This is definitely from Amity herself!!

"Gus..." I called.

He smiled nodding at me.

"Don't tell me it worked..." I muttered.

He laughed and nodded even more.

I smiled opening it to find a letter needing me to sign it for the ranking of the archduke.

Yes!! That small plan I came up with right after helping Gus with big math on how to arrange the portions of magic teaching paid off real big!!!

"Thank you!" I said.

"Heh! It's no biggie! Besides, I don't fit that title, it's too big of a responsibility for me." He said.

"Still though, thank you, Gus..." I chuckled.

Without Gus's close connection to Amity, maybe it'd have been much harder for me to take that rank.

It's such a stroke of luck that he's the one who holds that rank. He doesn't mind being a normal duke so taking it was a fine deal to have.

"Oh, by the way, Gus, you didn't tell her it was me, right?" I wondered.

He shook his head before saying, "I told her I couldn't say it or else I'd be in big trouble."

I laughed.

As if! What could I ever do to someone so nice??

"Well, big trouble for sure!" I still played along.

"And now that I think of it. I don't know what your ranks are at all here, you two,"

I glanced over Willow and Boscha beside me.

"Oh? Our rank..?" Boscha wondered with a raised brow.

I nodded.

Willow smiled and said, "I don't have one."

What!? Why!??

"What!? Why!??"

"Well, because I don't have the time to be carrying something really heavy just yet." She chuckled.

I huffed before turning my gaze over to Boscha.

Boscha smiled at me.

"Is that smile supposed to mean something or??"

"My rank is a Dame!" She blurted.

I snickered and fell to a fit of laughter.

So that's what her smile was supposed to mean??

"Ok, so... What do you usually do then? Dame Boscha?" I asked in wonder.

She shrugged before saying, "I was the former second in command leader of the old Emperor's coven after I finished off my Grudgby contract to come back here in Bonesborough."

Ohh... That seems nice.

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