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Luz's POV;

Blood dripped from the tips of my hand.

New scars covered the old on my whole body, sighing, I felt around the oldest one. The one near my neck that extended to my cheek.

I don't know how long it's been since I've taken a whiff of slight fresh air in this... Dense and... Heavy air in Hell Grounds.

Such a weird name but I stuck to it and continued to find my way back when I woke up from a pathetic dream.

It wasn't real that's what I told myself when I saw Amity walk away from.

"Kubwinya kwako kwepamusoro, inguva yekubva, (Your high glory, it's time to leave,)"

I stood up from the ground and flicked my gaze upon him.

He kept his head down facing the red tainted floors.

He knew if he made eye contact, it'll be a sign of intimidation towards me. He's a coward thus he kept himself low just like everyone else who serves me.

"Iyo portal yakagadzirirwa, kubwinya kwako kwepamusoro. (The portal has been prepared, your high glory.)" He continued.

"Wasununguka kuenda. (You're free to go.)" I dismissed him thereafter.

He nodded, head still held low as he walked out of my chamber.

Why did Lus even send me here? To train? Likely but that's probably to obtain one thing from here.

The Hell Grounds Soul, the Keeper that upholds this place from falling apart.

I had it in my hands and nobody in this place knew about it. As long as nobody knows, I can just continue without a problem.

"Please, wait for me a little more..."

Standing up, I wiped the blood off of me and threw on my clothes.

Once I leave this whole place, it all should shake, shatter, and close in.

Suddenly, I heard knocking.

It must be my mistress again.

Sighing, I let her in.

"Mudiwa, urikuenda kupi? (My love, where are you going?)" She asked.

She kept her head low but her hands were all over my chest.

"Ndiri kuenda kumwe kunhu kure. (I'm going somewhere far away.)" I said.

"Kupi, mudiwa wangu? Ndichasurukirwa ndisina iwe. (To where, my love? I'll be lonely without you.)" She said.

I sighed and reached my hands up to put my short hair into a small ponytail.

"Pane imwe nzvimbo yausingakwanise kusvika, saka usaedze. (There's a place you can't get to, so don't try.)" I said.

Her hands kept themselves glued unto me as I ran a hand across her silky hair.

The only reason I have her... Is because she reminds me more of her.

I hated it.

I hated this.

I gritted my teeth.


I paused when I accidentally pulled a bit too hard on her hair.

"Mudiwa wangu? (My love?)"

I sighed.

I don't want to hug her back.

She's not her.

"Unondida izvozvi here? Masikati ano? (Do you love me now? This afternoon? )" She asked.

I huffed.

"Kwete, hausi iye. (No, you're not her.)" I said, pulling her off of me so I can leave.

"Mudiwa wangu!! (My love!!)"

I paused when she grabbed my hand.

I flicked my head over to look at her, before she could even hurry to look down, it was all a little too late.

"Wakanditarisa. (You looked at me.)" I said, hands bawling without realization.

"Ndiregererewo mudiwa wangu! Ndapota! Ini handina kuzviita nemaune kukutarisa! (Forgive me, my love! Please! I did not deliberately look at you!)" She immediately got to her knees, head pressed heavily unto the floor.

I only raised a foot and crushed her skull in for a response.

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