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Amida's POV;




What..? Is someone calling for me?


I shot up by the sudden yell and looked around my bed.

It was just Mami.

"Y... Yeah, Ma?" I meekly smiled wiping my eyes and yawning.

She smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

"Ma!!" I whined trying to pull her away.

Grunting in annoyance, I looked over to the window and in surprise, it was still dark outside.

Why did she wake me up this early and why is she even wearing those clothes.


She began.

"Yeah, Ma?" I replied.

"What is your name?"

What? Is my mami being serious right now? Or is she drunk? Well, she doesn't let alcohol go to her mouth, more so. Even come inside my room without knocking as such.

"I'm... Amida?" I muttered.

"Is that all?"

Why is she asking that? Is that important or something.

"Uhh... I'm... I'm Amida, Amida Blight."

Is this better? Why is she even saying this?? Are we in danger or something?

"Do you remember mom's little farewell gift to you?"

I perked up smiling.

"Yeah! This magic necklace!" I said as I pulled out from under my shirt.

It was magical, glowing as such and having to hide it from the curious eyes of humans.

I'm not human, completely that is. I'm half human and half witch. I don't know how or why but my mami said that she was in love with the most beautiful girl and had me.

I was their first and might be the only child if they succeed in the plan of getting a second daughter or first son.

"Have you looked inside yet?"

I raised a brow.

Looked inside? There's something inside this necklace??

"Looked inside?" I hummed.

She chuckled and reached a hand forward after sitting down beside me in my bed.

"Like this." She said and pressed the top of it.

It gave a click and I gasped in surprise.

There was a small picture inside of me being a toddler and with two other people.

The one with pointy ears must be my other mom!

My other mom looks pretty.

She looks pretty.

"She looks pretty."

I perked up in realization of what I had just said.

"Do you remember what I told you about your growth, Amida?"

I nodded when she asked that.

"You told me that I'll be forever stuck in this form until I turn nineteen where I'll begin to start growing like a regular witch." I said.

She smiled proudly at me and ruffled my hair again.

I groaned trying to shove her hand away.

"Ma!! Noo--stop! Your hands are always rough under your gloves! Why are you wearing gloves even??" I complained.

She just chuckled at me and continued to pat my head.

I pouted.

"You look just like her when you're grumpy."

I shot up.

"Wha--I'm not grumpy!" I said.

She rolled her eyes and stood back up from my bed.

"C'mon, let's go home." She said.

"But, we're already home??" I asked.

"No, to our real home. Back in the Isles." She said.

My eyes widened in surprise.

We're going... Back home tonight..?

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