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Luz's POV;

Brushing my teeth, I yawned in between it, before spitting it out on the sink after rinsing the hint of toothpaste from my mouth.

Looking back over to the mirror, I wiped around my face before giving a wide smile.


"This is so weird now..."

I wheezed looking down red in the face.

I grumbled running my hands through my hair.

Seriously, why did I even do that??

"Sheesh, the way you smile now, Luz, just changed."

I'm talking to myself now.

"You're no longer cute at all, you're just cool now... Too cool."

I stared at the mirror, eyeing my reflection before bluntly smirking.

Then my hands trembled heavy and I fell unto my knees.

"I'm too cool to be cute," I heaved.

I quickly got back up to my feet.

Now... I just got Gus to get me into the closest rank that I can be with Amity. Archduke, even though it should be archduchess for me.

It'll work, right?

It doesn't matter if your gay or straight in the Isles, it's not like a birth spell won't fix two gays wanting a baby. But I mean... They also have adoption here too. Strange in many ways but who am I to question that.

I pulled my shirt up and stared at my stomach.

Wait, stomach..?

"Heh, what the hell, Luz-" I scoffed.

More like abs!!

"Damn, I'm rip..." I grinned.

Well, if I ignore the multiple scars, old and older around my damn fine and sexy body, it's like what I want to be.

Damn, sexy...

"Damn, right you are, handsome." Compliment yourself.

I winked at the mirror.

"Why would she ever replace me?" I laughed pointing to myself, my other hand still holding my shirt up as I smirked blowing kisses and winking.

"There's nobody like me out there,"

I don't even know why I'm being like this, but they do say to love yourself for who you are.

"Damn, you're so fine that... That... Amity's gonna be swooning towards you when you show her these fine babies."

I flexed an arm.

Hehehh... I can't believe I've forgotten how I used to bench press heavy bodies when I'm bored.

I couldn't even care less if they were dead right after they try and kill me.

"Man... You are a true beauty, Luz, Amity's all yours for sure, hehh."




I shrieked at the sudden knock at my door.

Wait a second.


I meant open door?!

"How long have you two been there?"

My face was red in embarrassment as I stared at Willow and Boscha standing there staring back at me.


I shot up at the sudden flash.

I yanked my hand down, I can't believe I didn't put my hands down.

Did she just take a picture with my stomach!?

"Hey! You didn't answer me yet! How long have you two been standing there!??" I shrieked.

"Exactly when you knelt." Willow said.

I mentally choked and went to a corner to sulk.

I can hear Boscha's laughter ring in my ears.

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