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Amity's POV;

I eased Emira from any suspicion towards me last night.

Who knows what kind of idea she'll get if I told her. It'd be worse if I tell Edric even.

I cleared my throat, catching her attention towards me.

"Can I go now?" I asked with a slight grin.

She chuckled at me and brushed me off.

"Why would I ever stop the busy witch from anything?" She laughed.

I laughed back before standing up to take my leave in the room.

"See you sometimes, Amity!"

"Yes, yes, you too, Em." I waved back.


I sighed after getting into the last of my paperwork.

I wonder if I should decide to hire someone who'll... Do work for me.

"Pff--as if..." I snickered.

Why should I even get myself another archduke? I've already put Augustus unto that since he seems fit to lead that rank even though I don't care what he's supposed to do in that rank.

I laughed to myself under a hand.

It gets pretty lonely inside my office.


Should I just demote him to a duke and find myself an archduke willing to do my office work?

I wacked myself across the face to wake up.

As the high Empress, I shouldn't be thinking of those kinds of things..!

It'd probably be counted as a weakness for all I care and... The former Emperor never showed it too.

"What the hell am I even thinking..." I sighed, laying my head back, I frowned.

This crown that fits my head grows ever so heavy from day to day with my realization.

Well, the one who wears the crown always has a big head.

I huffed.

That kind of talk is annoying it makes me question why it's even annoying.

Sitting there with crossed arms, I raised a brow when knocking came from the door.

"Your high Empress?"

I smirked.

"Come in, Gus." I replied.

He came walking inside with such a giddy smile it almost seemed as if his mind was shifted back to when we were schoolmates in Hexside.

"Your high Empress, you won't believe this!" He exclaimed after shutting the door.

I gave him a confused look and said, "you don't need to be formal and what is it that's got you so excited to tell me?"

He laughed and tried to fix his composure when he sat down.

He laid back and clasped his hands together with crossed legs before saying, "well, you see... I was thinking of something right after I met them after all these years."

I tilted my head slightly, the crown shifting a tad in my head.

"Thinking over something..?" I wondered.

He nodded and continued.

"Yes, when I first met them, it was when I was a student at Hexside, they were really kind and all but also smart and witty." He said.

I smirked.

It seems more like he's talking about a past crush even though he's dating someone else.

"And it got me thinking after they helped me over something I've been trying to solve for weeks. Your high Empress, I want to be demoted into a duke."


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