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Amity's POV;

I looked up at them.

And then I looked down at my hand.

I looked up again.

And then I looked back down to my hand again.

"Are you disappointed?"

"No, just saddened you didn't ask for help at all." I assured Augustus I wasn't.

"Oh... Well, ok... But."

I tried to sit upright, hands clasped on top of the desk. I eyed him, waiting for an answer.

"It's a rebellion." He had such a depressed sigh next after it.

I groaned and my head fell to stare at my hands.

"How in the world did I not get any heed of this? Surely Kikimora would've told me of this, right?" I scoffed.

"Well, you see they placed a hex of hush on her. So even if she knew, she'd forget immediately because of it." He said.

I sighed out loud.

I was gonna have a dinner date with her tonight.

"And what is this rebellion about?" I asked.

"It's stupid even if I tell you..." He began mumbling incoherently to himself while biting one of his nails.

"It's ok y'now." I assured him.

"It's a rebellion to bring back the infamous owl lady."

Oh, Titans, it is stupid...

How am I supposed to bring someone who has a curse over to the Isles when they're living a life of happiness on the other.

"I can't resolve that and I don't even know if they know what rebellion means..." I scoffed.

"Well, actually they call themselves protesters but I just named them the rebellion because they've been rebelling for quite a lot with simple tasks." He pondered.

We fell into a moment of silence.

"You're the worst." I commented.

"What!?" He whined.

"You're both a respected Duke and a well-known teacher at Hexside but you can't handle protesters who want to see the former Owl lady." I commented again.

He cried out in despair.

Was I too harsh..? I hope not. Willow would kill me if I was too harsh on him.

"Wait a second, did you just say former Owl lady?"

I nodded when he asked that.

"Why former??" He asked.

"Because she said so." I immediately slapped myself across the face for that.

"She said what??"

"She said nothing." I fixed my composure and crossed my arms.

We fell into another moment of silence.

"You've met the Owl lady before..."

Crap, I've been found out..!

I cleared my throat out loud and said, "well... She is Luz's other mother so it wasn't much of a deal--"

"Much. Of. A. Deal!?? The Owl lady is popular!! She's the most feared! Respected! And powerful witch in the Boiling Isles!!" He slammed his hands down on the desk with a wide smile.

I chuckled and slowly pushed his hands off of the desk.

"Right," I lowered his excitement down to a minimum.

"And also, she's like a retired witch who worked as a castle guard. She lives with her wife and daughter in the human world and won't be coming back one way or another, she's happy there and Luz would hate me if I try to bring her back here, just like how the former Emperor kidnapped Miss. Lilith back here." I explained.

He nodded in understanding.

"True but how am I gonna tell all of them that though? They're all hard-headed." He shrugged.

How should I know, you're the Duke?

"How should I know, you're the Duke?"

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن