"Klaus doesn't know the full extent of Elle's past with him. He just needed help, and the only thing he knew about Jackson was that he knew Elle. Jackson said he would help, and he did in fact help. Just not in a good way." Brandon says, looking down.

"What'd he do to her?" I ask. Brandon's eyes stay on the ground.

"What did he do to my wife, Brandon?" I repeat. The room stays silent. I can feel Damon's, Stefan's, and Bonnie's eyes on me.

"Damn it, just tell me!" I yell.

"It's not my place! I don't think I'm the right person that should be telling you what he did." Brandon admits.

"If I wasn't going to kill you sooner rather than later earlier, I sure as hell am now. Now tell me what the fuck he did to her," I whisper, but Brandon just glares at me. "Fucking tell me!"

"He raped her! Okay? He raped her. I saw it with my own fucking eyes, and I never want to see anything like that happening to Elle again. It wasn't my fucking place to tell you, and you, of all people, should know that." Brandon's voice cracks.

My heart breaks.

He touched her.

I'm going to break his fucking hands.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"I'm not sure which room, but he's nearby, I think?" Brandon responds, his voice wavering.

"I know you know where he is. Tell me." I order. Brandon closes his eyes and then opens them again.

"Down the hall, second door on the right." He whispers.

"Thank you, I might just punch you instead of killing you." I say.

"Kai?" Brandon asks, and I look back at him. "She really needed you afterward. And I know there wasn't really a way for you to be there immediately, but she still needed you. I kind of got a weird feeling in my chest when she hugged me."

"It's called feelings, Brandon. Look them up sometime." I whisper. He nods.

"We're coming with you." Damon and Stefan say. I shake my head.

"I love you guys like brothers, but it's my turn to beat the shit out of Jackson." I state.

"But-" Damon starts.

"No but's, I'll be back." I reply with a smile before I walk out of the room. I immediately walk down the hall, not hesitating to open the door when I find it.

And there on the bed lays Jackson.

Fucking bastard.

I gently close the door behind me, locking it. He doesn't look confused or scared, he looks calm.

He won't be in a few fucking minutes.

"Are you here to kill me?" Jackson asks with a smile. "Because that would be pretty fucking cool if you were. I could tell everyone that someone was trying to kill me, and I'd be the topic of conversation for days."

"You know, I don't give a fuck what you think is cool." I state. He stands up from off the bed.

"I can kill you so quick, Malachai." He whispers, snapping his fingers.

"Nobody fucking calls me Malachai." I reply before speeding over to him and pinning him against the wall.

"Ooh, I'm scared." Jackson says in a gasp.

"You touched my wife," I state. "You should be scared."

"Are you jealous because I touched her where she needed me to?" Jackson asks in a chuckle. "She was practically begging me to fuck her."

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